Here is the how-to video: click on FULL SCREEN for HD1080P video
Or in words:
1. In Flickr, click on a thumb to get the image with the data etc.
2. Right click on image to get a menu.
3. Select "Page Source".
4. A new window opens, scroll down a little way past the mass of green text that is the Flickr logo.
5. Look for a row (76) that says "Meta property" and has a URL that looks like - It must have a .jpg on the end.
6. Copy it.
7. In the forum post, select the "Insert Image" icon and paste at the cursor .
Other web sites may be different when you right click, see attached screen shots for Pbase.
Whatever, the principal is the same, look for a URL that ends with .jpg
Now, prove you can do it with a favourite image from your photo hosting web site
