Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate Wish List => Topic started by: NoelB on January 09, 2025, 01:37:38 AM

Title: A possible nice addition to Qimage - Ink Levels
Post by: NoelB on January 09, 2025, 01:37:38 AM
I took a look at Mirage by Dinax out of curiousity recently.
It is very nice (but VERY expensive) and isn't as feature rich as Qimage.
It did have one feature that, while not actually needed, was nice to use.
This was a pop-up of remaining ink levels when the cursor was dropped onto the image of the printer in use.
As you can see from the attached screen grab it gives a readout in percentage terms of the remaining inks.
As I say, not actually needed, but nice, nonetheless.

Title: Re: A possible nice addition to Qimage - Ink Levels
Post by: admin on January 09, 2025, 01:23:46 PM
I would include ink levels, nozzle checks, and other features if they were available but they are behind the "walled garden" of the driver and so, only accessible inside the printer driver.  Mirage is a RIP that only works with a select number of high end Epson and Canon printers and as a RIP, they can run the printer directly.  I don't plan any RIP functions in Qimage because that severely limits the number of printers we can support.  Not to mention the fact that all modern drivers are capable (with Qimage's help) of reproducing as good or better print quality without going the RIP route.  The only thing "missing" compared to a RIP are niche functions like per-ink-channel printing, ink levels, and other "diagnostic" type functions.  For the vast majority of users of course, those are not worth the outrageous price of most RIPs.


Title: Re: A possible nice addition to Qimage - Ink Levels
Post by: NoelB on January 09, 2025, 08:25:20 PM
Thanks for the explanation Mike.

As someone who struggled to write simple batch commands in DOS back in the early 90's I am amazed at what software can do.
And you're right "For the vast majority of users of course, those are not worth the outrageous price of most RIPs."
In any case, it's always interesting wondering when my printer is going to stop because an ink cartridge is empty  :)

Title: Re: A possible nice addition to Qimage - Ink Levels
Post by: jrsforums on January 09, 2025, 10:28:26 PM
Don’t most printer have utilities which show printer thus, that include ink levels?

Title: Re: A possible nice addition to Qimage - Ink Levels
Post by: NoelB on January 10, 2025, 12:43:08 AM
All three of the Epson printers I have used have a graphic showing the approximate levels of ink remaining.
Mirage has a graphic with a percentage reading as well. I don't know how accurate it is, but I do know that it seems to read in 1% increments, given that one of my cartridges dropped from 4% to 3% yesterday after I finished printing (with Qimage).