I'm guessing I'm the only one who would like to see this, so not much push for it to be added
Hi George,
Yes, it's my time. I am an early riser.
It is rare that I need to remember when I printed something. It does come up.
By the way, never say, "Terry was right". His hat will not fit for a week.
Most of my friends died of old age, and all I have left are my amazing doctors that keep me going.
I have a couple of panos hanging in the local Cancer clinic, and from then on, the doctors ask for prints.... landscapes, animals, etc.
I have three docs that want prints. I forget which prints I gave to what doctor and when.
So I need
date last printed that one.
So I open auto job log which is filed by date/time, locate that print, and I have what I need.
It doesn't happen often enough for me to want the print date on every print.
Make more sense now?
I am not saying your idea is bad or of no use. It is fine if others want it, and Mike gets a deluge of yesses.
My thought was I do not know that I might need the print date when I print. It only comes up after some brain freeze on my part.
So logic then says, it should be on all prints.
So what's your story? Brain freeze too?