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Author Topic: Can Qimage be made more robust  (Read 13008 times)
Posts: 15

« on: December 23, 2022, 09:18:41 PM »

I find as others have stated that Qimage Ultimate is very good for printing, but I never know when it is going to crash or lockup.
When that happens I have to resort to using the windows task manager to kill the qimage process.  Here are a few of the problems I have encountered.

12/2/22   Stopped working could not exit.  Got out of bounds error.                                                         – had to be cancelled with windows task manager

12/2/22    Later I/O error 123                                                                                                            – had to be cancelled with windows task manager

12/8/22   C:\ProgramDAta\ddisoftware\Qimage\redo.ses could not be saved  -  write access denied              – had to use task manager to exit

12/23/22   Access violation at address 00F9850 in module Qimage.exe Read of address 4589575B
      Needed to use task manager to exit Qimage.

In the last case I was using print to file to an image that was open in Photoshop.  That probably caused the error, but it would be great if Qimage would handle this and the other problems more gracefully. 

It is best for programs not to lock up on errors, but instead give the user an understandable error message allowing the user to correct the problem and then continue.  I realize that this happens occasionally with any complex software, but not as often as it does with Qimage.

Most modern compilers give the programmers methods for catching and handling errors when a program is running.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2022, 09:37:17 PM »

You would probably be well advised to clean up your installation, maybe even uninstall, delete all data, and reinstall from a clean slate.  Seems to me you have developed a lot of unique issues over time.  Most of us run Qimage daily and have not encountered a single problem in years!  When you develop a "mess", it may be best to do a clean install.  Microsoft, the biggest software company in the world, will tell you that when you start getting a lot of untraceable errors with Windows crashing, Explorer restarting, BSOD, etc. it is probably time to do a clean install.

Like Windows, Qimage has to interact with all sorts of other programs that can misbehave and create corruption of their own and that can be passed along to Qimage sometimes.  The latest version of Photoshop 2023 is known for that: just crashing and "disappearing" when trying to perform certain tasks (like printing).  After a while you have a mess and it's like a car owner asking an auto manufacturer to make your car more "robust" when the answer is... to stop driving it off the shoulder.

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2022, 01:50:48 AM »

I have created a similar mess on my main workstation and will likely be replacing it in the next few weeks.  It is 7 years old; both C and D drive are almost full.  I have maintained it and done garbage collection fairly regularly and it has no viruses or trojans but all kinds of stuff seems to be running in the background now; really can't run more than one significant piece of software at a time and once or twice a week I will get something like what is mentioned above.

ON THE OTHER HAND, when I am not using that computer, my wife has a really inexpensive Acer laptop that she bought last year.  I installed QU on it to do almost all of the layouts and prep (it's not connected to a printer but I do print to file quite a bit).  I never have any of the kinds of problems mentioned above - no matter how big the queue, the layout, folder size - whatever. In fact I have never had it crash or hang on the newer machine. (and no one has played Minecraft or Fortnite on it either)
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