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Author Topic: File info - size  (Read 14173 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« on: May 27, 2017, 10:59:14 AM »

Something that would be a really big help to me is to be able to have the option to print in the file info the image size mm or inch depending on which is being used. Possibly with the option of the file name as well.

So Like -
img 300x400mm
filename.jpg - img 300x400mm

or even if there is a border then something like -
300x400mm - inc. border 310x410mm

This is because I quite often print several images all varying in size ready to be mounted (aka matted) and find that I have to measure each one which is quite time-consuming.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2017, 11:30:06 AM »

Something that would be a really big help to me is to be able to have the option to print in the file info the image size mm or inch depending on which is being used. Possibly with the option of the file name as well.

I am not sure what you are asking. Image size is in pixels, print size is in inches.
I am assuming you want the print size.
In the Print editor, you can  invoke annotated text and type in 12" x 16"
Also in the Print Editor, you can use Floating Text with the presets for Filename, and a ton of other information, and type in the same box 12 x 16
The advantage using floating text is to be able to place it anywhere, set the font and point size, and the colors.
The other advantage is the presets (for example) Filename, stays ..... and Qimage will put the correct filename on the print regardless of which filename print after print.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2017, 12:04:25 PM »

Another idea I use often especially when I want to repeat a size, is to check Auto Job log which requires that I scroll to find the print. The  info box tells all.. As you can see, my print size includes the borders. Also you find the paper you used, the profile, etc.

Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2017, 05:05:12 PM »

Yes, very much the print size.... In mm or inch depending on what I happen ​to be working in.

My point is that I might print 20 images all different sizes. what would be great is that along with the file name the 'print' size was there as well. This would save me so much time not having to get a rule out measure the image and write it down on a piece of paper.... 20 times!

There wouldn't be much point in typing in the sizes as text, that will take too much time... It needs to be automatic!
It's purely for my information and not part of the image.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2017, 05:23:29 PM »

Really, It sounds reasonable and not that hard to do ( I think). Might be a nice feature for everyone.
Let's see what Mike says.

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