It would be nice to be able to do this. Two examples being that you have diferent sized pictures on a large page and want to pick multiple square images (of differnt square sizes) and make them all the same size. The other being when you want to move a gropup of prints, but not all, from one place on the page to another.
Hi Jules,
So on #1, lets say you have 5 images on the page and they are sized to print 8 x 10 .
3 of them need to be resized. Simply select the three that you want to resize by clicking in one, hold the CTRL key and click another, and again for the third.
Now select the new size and poof. resized.
As to making a new page, I click on the Placement button on the bottom, and select F for freehand
Next time I click on the blue right arrow to change the page, I get a screen thatsays, Do Want To Add a Page.
Does that help?