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Author Topic: Open 'saved data' as plain data?  (Read 11419 times)
Maarten van Goga
Posts: 15

« on: August 12, 2022, 11:26:21 AM »

I am fairly new to QI. So I don't know if the option I'm looking for is already 'hidden' somewhere.

I am aware that I can save a session in different ways. (as job, layout, etc.). I can find the saved files in the folder; drive/Qimage/Save.
I want open those files as plain text-files. So I can copy & past that info to my label-printer. Then print out such label, with the software of the label printer. After that I stick that label on the back of the printed photo.
Does anyone have an idea for a method to achieve this 'simple' goal?

Or is it not possible until now?

with regards, Martin.
Almere, the Netherlands
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Posts: 4277

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2022, 12:21:20 PM »

You could always open it in Notepad and just print it from there.  Curious why you'd want to print a whole job/session file as it is a lot of info and it isn't formatted to be "human readable".

Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 01:48:57 PM »

Does anyone have an idea for a method to achieve this 'simple' goal?

What I do is use the built in print information print tool as shown in the screen snap.
You can place it left right ,center... and it goes in the blank margin.
If it must go on the back of the print, you would have to run the page through again flipped over.
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