Title: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Mack on September 15, 2013, 04:01:12 PM Large TIFF file 315MB. Windows 8-64. 3.2GHz. 12GB RAM. Latest QU version 116.
While trying to load the file into the Editor to darken it a bit, it was slow and not showing/loading the image and this message popped up: "Qimage.exe is not responding" with the option to Shutdown or Wait. First time I shut it down, did it's file report thing in Windows and closed Qimage. Second time, same thing with the same file and message popped up again. I selected "Wait" and the image loaded a few seconds later. Something to do with large TIFF files maybe? ??? I do notice some red x checkerboard that fills the entire page that sometimes loads into the first window right pane instead of the image itself. I drag it again and it appears in it normally. Odd. Mack Title: Re: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Fred A on September 15, 2013, 04:11:15 PM Quote Large TIFF file 315MB. Windows 8-64. 3.2GHz. 12GB RAM. Latest QU version 116. Mack, 315 MB is not that large..for a TIF. What is the resolution of the image...? The other information that might be relevant... Click HELP and hold the Shift key down while you click ANALYZE CURRENT SETTINGS What numbers are reported.? Fred Title: Re: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Fred A on September 15, 2013, 04:31:05 PM Quote 315 MB is not that large..for a TIF. What is the resolution of the image...? I just created a TIFF almost 700 MB, and it loads in the editor like a dream. Thumb built itself esily and quickly. If you wish, you can send me the image via WETRANSFER.COM Free service my email is wathree.ssz@verizon.net. Fred Title: Re: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Mack on September 15, 2013, 05:36:58 PM Fred-
This is what I see in the Main window with the 323,415 KB TIFF loaded (Shift+Help > Analyze current settings): Start: 2146 MB Addl: 1416 MB Now: 2146 MB It loaded this time into the Editor without displaying the "Qimage.exe is not responding" message. Didn't see the red x's page either this time. Don't know where that page comes from when it does come up. There are times when I see the image I select disappear once dragging to the right into the Selection window on the primary QU page and it picks up an alternate image to put there other than the one I picked initially in dragging. Odd. Even bought a new mouse as I thought the old one may be 'unswitching' (Not holding onto) with the left click button at times. I dunno. ??? Additional: I just found that AVG was running this AM in the background as a weekly setting when the above occurred. Maybe something there? I saw it pop up a "No issues found" message sometime after I was working in QU and it wanted to shut down and restart for some reason too. Updates from Windows or AVG maybe? I'll watch it some more. Thanks. Mack Title: Re: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Fred A on September 15, 2013, 05:43:14 PM AVG did update me on two computers yesterday and both required a restart,,, and if you didn't hit postpone, it did the reboot.
OK Probably just a combination of weird timing. My numbers are 2147 1350 2147 That's good Fred Title: Re: "Qimage.exe is not repsonding" message. Post by: Ernst Dinkla on September 18, 2013, 09:07:28 AM Flattened RGB Tiff ?
-- Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst http://www.pigment-print.com/spectralplots/spectrumviz_1.htm July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots. |