Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: afed4enko on September 23, 2014, 03:44:12 AM

Title: "Set print rotation" command delay
Post by: afed4enko on September 23, 2014, 03:44:12 AM
When I try to rotate print and call context menu, after pointing cursor on any from five option I must wait 3-5 seconds from system to react. I have strong enough PC and problem is not in hardware. When I need manually rotate 5-10 photos on page, this delay annoying. I can't remember from what release this problem start, but one year ago prints spin without visible delay.

Title: Re: "Set print rotation" command delay
Post by: Terry-M on September 23, 2014, 07:05:40 AM
Welcome to the forum.
When I try to rotate print and call context menu, after pointing cursor on any from five option I must wait 3-5 seconds from system to react.
Are you working with the context menu on the page preview on the main screen or the Page Editor?
If working in the Page Editor it's best to use it set at "Thumbs/Small Images" for speedy operation. If you have it set at "All Images" or "Soft Proof" it is slower to produce the high quality screen image. See screen shot below.
Maybe this setting has got changed accidently?
PS. The setting mentioned above does not affect the page preview on the main screen, that should be fast when the rotation is changed.

Title: Re: "Set print rotation" command delay
Post by: admin on September 23, 2014, 01:35:06 PM
PS. The setting mentioned above does not affect the page preview on the main screen, that should be fast when the rotation is changed.

And if the preview on the main screen is slow, it's likely the printer driver causing the delay.  Click the "Printer Setup" button on the top right of the main window and if it takes 3-5 seconds for that to open, your printer driver is having a communication problem and might need to be reinstalled or diagnosed at the driver level.


Title: Re: "Set print rotation" command delay
Post by: afed4enko on September 24, 2014, 06:02:16 AM
Thank you, Terry. I am working with context menu on the page preview.

Mike, button "Printer Setup" open in a flash.

I think I need to record video with this problem for better presentation...