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Author Topic: "Thread Error: The Handle is Invalid (6)"  (Read 7779 times)
Posts: 19

« on: October 13, 2016, 08:58:59 PM »


I am constantly getting the "Thread Error: The Handle is Invalid (6)" message whenever I attempt to add a cutout to several images in the queue at the same time. I am adding the images to the queue, then double clicking one of the image thumbnails to add the cutout, then selecting "apply to all images in the queue". It will work along fine for the first few images, then the error message pops up and QImage goes wacky. Any thoughts??

Thanks, Keith
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 10:37:09 AM »

I am constantly getting the "Thread Error: The Handle is Invalid (6)" message whenever I attempt to add a cutout to several images in the queue at the same time. I am adding the images to the queue, then double clicking one of the image thumbnails to add the cutout, then selecting "apply to all images in the queue". It will work along fine for the first few images, then the error message pops up and QImage goes wacky. Any thoughts??
Hi Keith,
I was trying to replicate the error message and so far I am running clean.
Do you get the error message with other cutouts/ any cutout, or just  a specific one?

Thread error might be a clue.
See my screen snaps.
Based on that, what are your settings?

Posts: 19

« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 02:17:27 PM »

Hey Fred,

Thanks for the response. This computer has 4 CPU cores and both print and image threads are set to auto. I have created several cutouts to apply an appropriately sized watermark to each print. Rather than apply it to each thumbnail individually, I just load the prints, of the same size, in the queue and choose to apply to all images in the queue. Maybe it is a CPU issue because it seems to work great on a few images, but sometimes posts that error message when doing several images. I will try doing them in smaller batches to see if I can duplicate the issue.
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