Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: BrianPrice on July 29, 2013, 08:19:11 AM

Title: QU14.100 wont load
Post by: BrianPrice on July 29, 2013, 08:19:11 AM
I get this error message when I try to install QU14-100

Exception EAcessVoilation in module Qimage.exe at 00178629.
Access violation at address 00578629 in module 'Qimage.exe. Read of address 0000038c.

I'm using a new computer with Windows 7, I didn't try it on the old computer.
QU13-113 works fine.

Brian Price

Title: Re: QU14.100 wont load
Post by: Fred A on July 29, 2013, 08:48:35 AM
I get this error message when I try to install QU14-100

Exception EAcessVoilation in module Qimage.exe at 00178629.
Access violation at address 00578629 in module 'Qimage.exe. Read of address 0000038c.

I'm using a new computer with Windows 7, I didn't try it on the old computer.
QU13-113 works fine.

Try version 14.101  that should fix it.
If not holler!


Title: Re: QU14.100 wont load
Post by: BrianPrice on July 30, 2013, 06:10:08 AM
Thanks Fred, 101 worked.
I didn't like the new colour scheme, quickly changed it back to Chrome :)


Title: Re: QU14.100 wont load
Post by: Fred A on July 30, 2013, 10:41:50 AM
I didn't like the new colour scheme, quickly changed it back to Chrome Smiley

Me too,
I didn't like it, until I ran it in the new skin for an hour, and began to change my mind.
After two hours, I was in love with the new face.
I could see and read the tiny text stuff without a great effort.

Try it out.


Title: Re: QU14.100 wont load
Post by: vsteffel on July 30, 2013, 09:56:31 PM
I also like the new "Darkroom" skin.  I also like the color dots on the buttons.  It didn't take long to get used to the black skin, and I remembered that I had it on my Lightroom.  It makes it easier to focus on the photos.  The new buttons are also much easier to read and use.  So, I add my thanks to Mike as well as to the testers.