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Author Topic: 3-panel (triptych?) problem  (Read 10632 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« on: March 17, 2017, 03:13:02 AM »

In trying to refine a question on how to make 3-panel triptych-style prints, I was able to finally work out procedure that works for me most of the time (95%?).  This is for printing out a 15x7 (3 5x7 panels) aspect image.

However, there is one issue that is the result of either my lack of understanding, or there's a small glitch in the program.

Full Disclosure:  I've only been a registered user for 7 days, read the forum as well searched elsewhere on the 'net, watched numerous videos. 

Here are the steps I use:

NOTE:  for me to achieve my final results, I have to use the PRINT SIZE ("zebra") button exactly as indicated below.

In the Preview (?) panel, click PROPERTIES on the SETTINGS tab; select "Printer" under PRINTER/MEDIA; set ORIENTATION to "Portrait"; set page width and height (w = ? h = ?, e.g. 5x7) of the desired print area; select "Change print size to {selected w x h}"; press OK.  [Even though final output will be in landscape orientation, apparently still need to choose portrait mode.]

Still in the Preview panel:  Click on LIVE VIEW tab, which should be showing the selected print size/orientation (just to make sure everything is as expected).

Click on the selected thumbnail, then click the PRINT SIZE button, select CUSTOM, select "Enter POSTER rows/cols"; set "Auto Cropping" to ON; set
"Print Orientation" to "Lock".  (Not sure if it's important, but under "Apply Settings" I select "Temporarily...".)

The Preview panel should show the Landscape mode image inside of the Portrait mode preview.


For example, if my custom poster setting was for 3x1, the indication will be for 5x2 (usually, occasionally something different).

So then I have to again click the PRINT SIZE button on the preview image (not the one at the bottom), and re-select the 3x1 poster rows/cols.

So far I only print-to-file before committing to paper (printing on 8.5x11).

So is there something wrong in my procedure?  If so, what?

I have previously printed out a 3-panel 12x9 aspect image across 3 11x8.5-in paper.

In working up my original question as noted at the top, I made close to 50 trial-and-error attempts today alone.  My wife saw my first 3-panel print and was immediately enamored of the result, so I'm stuck.  Smiley

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading this far.



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 08:16:07 AM »

Hi George,
We need a little more information please.
Please can you make a screen shot or show and image of how your triptych is arranged on the paper.
You can attach images using additional options at the bottom of a post - there are file size limitations.

I get the impression you want to print 3 5"x7" images on one page in a row. Is this correct.
See my screen shot of the page preview (live view) attached 3 - 5"x7" on an A3 sheet.
The second screen shot shows the settings tab: A3 paper (mm sizes)

Which printer are you using?
What paper size are you  using, sheet or roll?

Some of your settings  are not to be correct:
under PRINTER/MEDIA; set ORIENTATION to "Portrait"; set page width and height (w = ? h = ?, e.g. 5x7)
This setting is for the PAGE size and orientation, not the image size.

then click the PRINT SIZE button, select CUSTOM, select "Enter POSTER rows/cols";
You don't need the "poster" setting - that is for printing ONE large size image on multiple sheets that can be joined together.
You don't need custom at all unless your size of image is non-standard. 5x7 is a standard size and is listed as such in print properties.

Please come back with answers to my questions.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 09:17:33 AM »

Hi George,
Just to make it absolutely clear, the Settings Tab is for printer DRIVER settings, paper type, size, colour management etc.
For setting image print sizes, work from the Live View tab and use Print Properties (zebra button).
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 03:21:32 PM »

Hi George,
We need a little more information please.
Please can you make a screen shot or show and image of how your triptych is arranged on the paper.
You can attach images using additional options at the bottom of a post - there are file size limitations.

I get the impression you want to print 3 5"x7" images on one page in a row. Is this correct.

Apologies, I tend to either include too much or too little information, or too much of irrelevant or too little of relevant. <sigh>

I'm actually printing to file.  I want three individual paper prints that can be trimmed down to 7h x 5w.

Which printer are you using?
What paper size are you  using, sheet or roll?

"Print to File" for testing/intermediate purposes.

Otherwise, for the next month or two, an HP Photoshop C6280.

Also printing to PDF; my procedure seems to be working for this, but I haven't printed to paper from the PDF yet.

You don't need the "poster" setting - that is for printing ONE large size image on multiple sheets that can be joined together.
You don't need custom at all unless your size of image is non-standard. 5x7 is a standard size and is listed as such in print properties.

So I think I do need the poster setting, if just for the "Print to File" operation.   I'm guessing that this won't work printing a 7x5 to an 8x10 sheet of paper.   Grin  I'll have to test this later today or tomorrow, see if I can pound Qimage into submission.

I'm attaching an image of the type of frame we'll be using.

At this point, I'm getting the results I need temporarily (until the printer upgrade), just wondering if there was any significance to having to input the poster rows/cols twice, or it there was a better way to achieve my end result.

(The image attachment isn't showing in the Preview, so I don't know if I attached it correctly, or if I've attached it twice.  I'll find out after posting.  Apologies if it's posted twice.)


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 05:38:50 PM »

Let's get this straight:
So I think I do need the poster setting, if just for the "Print to File" operation
No, Poster printing is for "real" printing to paper where you want a printed image bigger than the available paper size so one image spans several pages.
Don't make it more complicated that it really is  Roll Eyes
but I haven't printed to paper from the PDF yet
Why bother, just print directly from QU.
Also, it's not clear why you are printing to file - all you are doing is making copies of the images. Please explain your reasons

For printing to file set the page size to 10x8 and add the images to the queue at 5x7. You'll just get 2 images on one page and the 3rd on the next page. QU adds the page automatically.
NB. If you print with a printer on 10x8 paper, 2 images will not fit on the page due the printable area being smaller than 10x8.
See attached screen shots for P2F settings, and the 2 pages. Sizes are metric but equivalent to your 10x8 page and 5x7 image prints.

I'm attaching an image of the type of frame we'll be using.
So getting to the ultimate goal ........
I assume the mount in that frame has 3 apertures like I've used in the past.
For that, and using the maximum size of paper for the HP Photosmart C6280 (8.5 x 11 inch) you would get 2 5x7's on one page and the third on a second page. You would then trim each image print to suit the mount.

see if I can pound Qimage into submission.
Like all software , you need to follow the rules and understand how to use its features and tools. That's why the forum is here to advise and sometimes ask "what are you trying to do - what is the final objective.
So keep asking and give plenty of detail.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2017, 06:09:10 PM »

Just to be absolutely clear about the poster print mode ..
see attached screen shots.
016 is the whole image where top left can jsut see where it  says in red 2x2. This means the image has been spread over 2x2 = 4 pages.
017 is the Printer preview showing the 4 pages (A4) with one selected showing 1/4 of the image.
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2017, 06:31:51 PM »

see if I can pound Qimage into submission.
Like all software , you need to follow the rules and understand how to use its features and tools. That's why the forum is here to advise and sometimes ask "what are you trying to do - what is the final objective.
So keep asking and give plenty of detail.

Final objective:  one single image split across 3 separate panels, as per attached example.

That attachment was made just now using, "Print to File", 3x1 poster settings; the "printer driver" was "Print to File" size set to 5W x 7L.  I combined them into a single image using Paint.NET.  I don't know how else to do that.  Each of the three individual files produced by Qimage from a 14.68MB JPEG were about 3.9MB ea.

Thanks, Terry, for sticking with me on this.  I appreciate the help.  And I realize that I should have included an example with my original post, it would have made my query much clearer from the get-go.

I think I have to take issue with your comment about poster print mode only being for "real" printing.  It's kinda-sorta working for me printing to file, eventually to paper.  But maybe I'm misinterpreting your comment.

I'm more than pleased with the results, not unhappy with the process, although getting to the final result was a struggle for me. 

I have to run, will be away for a few hours.  When I get back, I'll post some screen caps showing how sometimes I have to go from 5x2 to 3x1 in the poster settings (may have to split the post if I can't get the attachments down to size --  is that 256kb per image, or for all 4 allowed images in total?).

Again, apologies for not including an example in the beginning. 



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2017, 08:03:53 PM »

OK. we are getting there.
Your 1st "framed" shot looked like 3 different images rather than 1 split into 3, hence me saying poster was not correct.
So now I know what you want exactly, yes, poster mode is one way to do it. There's always more than one way in QU; the other way would be to make 3 copies of the image in QU and using the crop tool in the image editor, crop each into 3 different thirds vertically. The print the 3 images normally at the size required.

Back to Poster printing:
In the settings tab you must create create a custom page size to match the image aspect ratio but with the width as 1/3rd of the total width.
However you MUST add the page margins set by the printer (= non-printable area). You can see this in the preview where the printable area is shown at the top; it's easy then to calculate the margin size.
On the preview, click the zebra button, choose Custom-Poster = 3x1. Also set auto crop on. I think you've been there already.
Add the image to the queue and you are ready to  print.
IMPORTANT - set your printer driver to print preview so you can see all is ok before you print.
See screen shots below - in inches for you old fashioned guys  Grin
026 Settings tab
027 Custom settings
022 & 024 from the print preview. Note equal side margins 1s & 3rd print.
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2017, 11:38:46 PM »

OK. we are getting there.
Your 1st "framed" shot looked like 3 different images rather than 1 split into 3, hence me saying poster was not correct.

Yep, my bad.  I was posting a picture from the web illustrating the type of picture frame my wife found.  I should have just posted a link.

So now I know what you want exactly, yes, poster mode is one way to do it. There's always more than one way in QU; the other way would be to make 3 copies of the image in QU and using the crop tool in the image editor, crop each into 3 different thirds vertically. The print the 3 images normally at the size required.

I'll need to study the crop tool later.  For now, poster printing works.

I think I'm pretty much in agreement with the rest of your last posting re: Poster printing.  But I'm still encountering an extra step quite often:

The attached screen cap 001 shows the preview image after clicking on the thumbnail zebra button and selecting "POSTER rows/cols", set to "3 pages across 1 page down".; this also shows the tiny red 5x2 in the upper left corner.  The right side shows that I'm going thru the poster selection process a 2nd time in order to get it to "print to file" 3x1; I have to click the zebra button ON THE PREVIEW image, and use the same settings (3x1, auto-crop on, print orientation locked, apply settings temporarily).

I can't include the screen cap showing that the preview indicates a 3x1 poster (exceeds the limit).

(I've been going around in so many circles with this, I'm not 100% certain that I need to specify temporarily for apply settings.  After my head quits spinning, I'll research this again.)

I don't always have to go through the extra step of converting from 5x2, just more often than not.  It's no longer a problem now that I know I have to click the preview image zebra button and not the preview panel zebra button.  (Does that make sense?  I sure hope so.)

Print to file will be useful if I ever need to take such an image to a print house (canvas wraps, maybe?).

I guess the more I've played with this, that extra step seems much less important, doesn't add much time.  Unless there's something I need to change in my Qimage workflow, I'll just continue doing what I'm doing, and let this rest for the time being.

And remind me to never to show my wife some neat output, ever again.  Ever.

Thanks again, Terry.


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2017, 07:19:13 AM »

Hi George,
The attached screen cap 001 shows the preview image after clicking on the thumbnail zebra button and selecting "POSTER rows/cols", set to "3 pages across 1 page down".; this also shows the tiny red 5x2 in the upper left corner.  The right side shows that I'm going thru the poster selection process a 2nd time in order to get it to "print to file" 3x1; I have to click the zebra button ON THE PREVIEW image, and use the same settings (3x1, auto-crop on, print orientation locked, apply settings temporarily).
I can see on the left hand side of your screen shot, the image is not selected (no blue line around the edge) therefore the 3x1 poster setting is not applied. It is selected on the rhs.
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2017, 04:59:20 PM »

Hi George,
The attached screen cap 001 shows the preview image after clicking on the thumbnail zebra button and selecting "POSTER rows/cols", set to "3 pages across 1 page down".; this also shows the tiny red 5x2 in the upper left corner.  The right side shows that I'm going thru the poster selection process a 2nd time in order to get it to "print to file" 3x1; I have to click the zebra button ON THE PREVIEW image, and use the same settings (3x1, auto-crop on, print orientation locked, apply settings temporarily).
I can see on the left hand side of your screen shot, the image is not selected (no blue line around the edge) therefore the 3x1 poster setting is not applied. It is selected on the rhs.

Hi Terry,

I never see a blue line around the thumbnails, no matter what I'm doing.  The frame around the thumbs changes color or brightness when selected, but never a blue line.  Changing the skin doesn't do anything.  (QU v2017.119)

I'm thinking about uninstalling/re-installing to see if that clears anything up. 

No matter what I do, I have to "convince" QU that I really want a 3x1 not a 5x2 or 7x3.  Now it's a battle of wills  Smiley.  Every once in a while, I do get the 3x1 on the first attempt, but then I can't duplicate it again.  I've tried clearing the queue, re-setting the Job Properties Settings, closing & re-opening QU.  Maybe it's because I'm trying to do something no one else in their right mind wants to do and this hasn't come up before.   Grin

Anyway, I'm going to put this aside for a while, I know how to get the results I want, easily.  I'll work on this again later with a fresh mind.

Thanks again for working with me on this, and trying to help.



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2017, 10:31:47 PM »

I never see a blue line around the thumbnails, no matter what I'm doing.
The blue line is around the image on the Page Preview, not thumbnails. Also in the Page Editor.
Select the image on the Page Preview and use the Zebra button on that image to bring up the Print Properties dialogue to set Poster arrangement etc.
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2017, 03:24:53 AM »

I never see a blue line around the thumbnails, no matter what I'm doing.
The blue line is around the image on the Page Preview, not thumbnails. Also in the Page Editor.
Select the image on the Page Preview and use the Zebra button on that image to bring up the Print Properties dialogue to set Poster arrangement etc.

Okay, I finally figured this out, maybe.  (It's worked 5 times in a row, so there's hope.)  But first...

I was confused by this part of your previous reply:

I can see on the left hand side of your screen shot, the image is not selected (no blue line around the edge) therefore the 3x1 poster setting is not applied. It is selected on the rhs.

Many years ago I was stationed at RAF Lakenheath, bought a BRG MGB direct from the factory, and had to learn to drive on the "right" side of the road.  So this would explain my confusion to the reference to the "left hand side" of the screen shot.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.   Embarrassed

What I think I was doing wrong was using the zebra button on the THUMBNAIL to add a CUSTOM POSTER print size to the queue.  No matter what I did with this procedure, I always got the 5x2 or whatever and no blue line around the PREVIEW image (on the left hand side Smiley ). 

So I just tried clearing the preview, then selecting a CUSTOM POSTER size with the zebra button on the bottom of the PREVIEW panel.  Then I just clicked on the + button on the thumb to add the image and it was automatically added as a 3x1 poster.   et voilą, the correct custom print panel shows the red 3x1 in the upper left corner.

Apparently, all zebra's look the same to me, now I think I can tell them apart, or at least get them fed in the correct order.

Yes, Qimage has many ways of doing things, including allowing people like me to find multiple ways of getting things mangled.  Wink

I can now go on to find something else to get wrong...   heh-heh

So one more time, thank you Terry.


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
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