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Author Topic: A few questions  (Read 9924 times)
Posts: 5

« on: October 21, 2013, 11:55:58 AM »

I use an epson 7880 and photoshop to edit me images.

I print photos onto canvas so the images are never the same size. The problem I have is not being able to print them fast enough. I have to manually reset the printer every time a print has finished, if I have 20 images waiting to be printed this takes up a lot of my time. If I'm dealing with a customer I forget to send an image to print, which is more time lost. Is there a way to stack the images so they print one after another?

The image needs to have a 6" cap to the next image, this leaves enough white canvas to stretch around the bars when cut off the roll. Is it possible to set this up in Qimage so every image printed has that gap?

I want to be able to press print and all 20 image print with the correct gap and not need to reset the printer every time. Could Qimage do this and would it save me any time?

Hope that all makes sense. Any help would be much appreciated.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 12:19:27 PM »

print photos onto canvas so the images are never the same size. The problem I have is not being able to print them fast enough. I have to manually reset the printer every time a print has finished, if I have 20 images waiting to be printed this takes up a lot of my time. If I'm dealing with a customer I forget to send an image to print, which is more time lost. Is there a way to stack the images so they print one after another?

The image needs to have a 6" cap to the next image, this leaves enough white canvas to stretch around the bars when cut off the roll. Is it possible to set this up in Qimage so every image printed has that gap?

This should work!

Of course, loading the 20 images into the queue at one time will allow you to click PRINT and they would run the 20.
The trick you want is the 6" gap between.

For me the easiest way is to set a 3" white border around each print.... 3" + 3" = 6" between...
Not knowing the actual roll paper size or the print size (whether you have room for the borders above and below), I can only guess.
Use the B+ dot so the print size will stay the same.

If that isn't possible,
Make a "white print" the size of the 6" gap, and place it between each image....
You can use templates and save the job for use again...

Hope this helps.


Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 12:48:39 PM »

Think that makes sense, I haven't bought it yet I just want to make sure Qimage can do it.

Will I have to setup the boarder for every image or can it be automated?

Do you have to set a paper size in Qimage or is that automatic?

Thanks for the advice.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 01:02:45 PM »

Will I have to setup the boarder for every image or can it be automated?

Do you have to set a paper size in Qimage or is that automatic?

Thanks for the advice.

Many ways to apply the borders. Easiest is to right click on the preview panel (with all 20 in the queue) and click SELECT ALL. Then open Print Properties on one image and set the border to B+ and the size  border... That will apply to all.

Another way, would be to click the main print properties box. The gray striped button, last on the right below the Preview panel, and set that to print size and the border, in there.
Now when you add an image to the queue, it will add at the selected size and include the border setting as well.

Just reiterating one item that is often overlooked: The B selection makes the print size including borders, and the B+ selection makes the print size PLUS borders.

Glad to have you aboard.

Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 01:23:45 PM »

So the B selection wouldn't resize the image. I crop it in PS with a 2mm overhang to go around the edge, would qimage change that?
Posts: 5

« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 01:39:59 PM »

Another question, I'm printing on a 24" roll. If I add the boarder to a 20x20" print, that will exceed the roll width, will it add the boarder to all sides? If it does, will that effect print?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2013, 02:42:45 PM »

Another question, I'm printing on a 24" roll. If I add the boarder to a 20x20" print, that will exceed the roll width, will it add the boarder to all sides? If it does, will that effect print?
That would make the print larger than the paper.... a no no.
So do it this way.... A bit of trial and error, but after the 10 minutes you spend adjusting, you can save the JOB and use it again anytime.

Just for a start, I set the page size to 24.02 x 160 inches...
Qimage will automatically space the prints evenly depending on how much page length you have.
This was my test.!
I set the borders to 2.00 inches in stead of 3"
Now the top and bottom fit in the 24.02 roll (Borderless).
OK that problem is solved.
All I did next was adjust the page length and the number of prints on the page so Qimage will space them 4" apart (plus the 2" border) and you get 6" between.

See snaps
First shows the 20 x 20 with + 2" borders making 24 x 24" prints.
The second shows the layout as it appears with 6 prints showing on 160 inch long page size.
If I go further, the screen images get to small to show.
I think you have the idea.
Increase the page length and the space between prints increases.
Add more prints (24" x 24") and the space gets smaller between prints.

If you want to do them in one run, you have 20 images each 2 feet wide.
That needs 40 feet of paper length.
Now you want 2 inches of space between prints (which already have 4" of white border).
So add another 2 feet of paper, and see the measurements. You will be close... then tweak it.

Posts: 5

« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 03:50:30 PM »

That makes sense now, not all the images will be the same size but that shouldn't matter. Can you not just add a boarder to the bottom of the image and not the whole of it?

If the image is 20.2"x20.2", Qimage wil not change that will it? Will it just add the boarder to it?

Sorry for all the questions, it will make more sense once I have bought it.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2013, 04:09:33 PM »

You will have to account for any odd edges or borders that you add in PS.
A friend of mine added another solution that should do well also.
How about making a 6 x 20 inch saved image  of a white background.

Now add your image and add one of the 6 x 20. Then add another of your images, and follow that with another 6 x 20. The 6 x 20 white images will act as 6" spacers.
After the order has been set, go to the Page Editor and use the CTRL and left arrow, butt the images against the spacer and the spacer image against the side of the next image and so on.
Works perfectly..
See snap.

6" spacer between each cat.
If you already have some border from PS, then make your space print size a bit narrower.

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