Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: PH Focal-Scape on June 17, 2014, 04:15:55 AM

Title: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 17, 2014, 04:15:55 AM

1/ In the Full Page Editor and adjusting the "Actual Print Size" a manual adjustment of a dimension or clicking the "swap" button only seems to work once under some circumstances. Sorry I haven't been able to identify the actual circumstances. It seems one can swap and apply the dimensions only once.

2/ When printing an image across a number of pages, is it possible to print some of the total pages at a time? For example I might be wanting to print an image across an array of 3 x 2 pages, but initially only want to print one or two pages of the set.





Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: Terry-M on June 17, 2014, 06:51:32 AM
Hi Peter,
I don't know about point 1, one for Mike I think.
When printing an image across a number of pages, is it possible to print some of the total pages at a time?
With my Epson driver, when I click print there's the option to select a range of pages. Also, if print Preview is selected, there's the option to remove pages from the page set.
Maybe your driver is similar.

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: Terry-M on June 17, 2014, 07:02:16 AM
adjusting the "Actual Print Size" a manual adjustment of a dimension or clicking the "swap" button only seems to work once under some circumstances.
OK. I tried this several times and cannot repeat your problem. It worked every time.

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 17, 2014, 10:18:11 AM
adjusting the "Actual Print Size" a manual adjustment of a dimension or clicking the "swap" button only seems to work once under some circumstances.
OK. I tried this several times and cannot repeat your problem. It worked every time.

Thanks for checking out "1" Terry. I'll recheck the problem over the next couple of days.

Regarding "2". When the printer dialogue is displayed the option for printing specified pages is greyed out. "All" is the only option in this case. The printer is a Canon Pro 9500.

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: Fred A on June 17, 2014, 10:38:07 AM
2/ When printing an image across a number of pages, is it possible to print some of the total pages at a time? For example I might be wanting to print an image across an array of 3 x 2 pages, but initially only want to print one or two pages of the set.

 I think there's an easier way to do this.
In Qimage, right click on the preview panel with your image in the queue showing poster multiple pages, and select Print Single Poster Panel.
See screen snaps attached

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 17, 2014, 10:59:03 PM
Thanks Fred.

I was not aware of that context menu option. That's precisely what I need.

Meanwhile back with my problem "1" above. One way to induce the type of problem I have described is to load a full page image, go into page edit mode and click swap dimensions and then apply to selected. After choosing "Yes" to the prompt the image is resized to fit page and rotated 90o. Now swap the dimensions again and apply. Nothing happens. I would expect the image to retain its reduced dimensions and rotate 90o.

Admittedly this is an unsual procedure but it does induce the type of problem I have come across in more "normal" use. 



I think there's an easier way to do this.
In Qimage, right click on the preview panel with your image in the queue showing poster multiple pages, and select Print Single Poster Panel.
See screen snaps attached

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: Terry-M on June 18, 2014, 05:30:42 AM
I was not aware of that context menu option.
Neither was I, we live and learn!
Meanwhile back with my problem "1" above
Control Z will do it, which is Undo or context menu "New Size" and fit to page.

Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: admin on June 18, 2014, 02:09:44 PM
Meanwhile back with my problem "1" above. One way to induce the type of problem I have described is to load a full page image, go into page edit mode and click swap dimensions and then apply to selected. After choosing "Yes" to the prompt the image is resized to fit page and rotated 90o. Now swap the dimensions again and apply. Nothing happens. I would expect the image to retain its reduced dimensions and rotate 90o.

Admittedly this is an unsual procedure but it does induce the type of problem I have come across in more "normal" use. 

You shouldn't be using "swap" to rotate an image.  Once you have it down to a size that can be rotated (i.e. it fits on the page either way), you should right click on the print on the page and choose "rotate left" or "rotate right".  This is because when you click "swap", all you are doing it changing the "preferred initial size"... which doesn't matter when you are using Optimal or Optimal/Spaced placement: those placement methods will override those sizes and pick the size that leaves the least gap on either edge.  If you were working in something like "Center" placement which honors your initial size preference without modifying it, the swap would rotate the print.  But to avoid confusion so that you can rotate when you want, use the rotate feature instead of swap.


Title: Re: A possible minor bug and a question about printing larger than one page
Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 19, 2014, 06:47:56 AM
Thanks for the explanation Mike.
