Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Jeff on June 13, 2014, 08:58:04 AM

Title: A word of warning
Post by: Jeff on June 13, 2014, 08:58:04 AM

I think there has been some posts regarding alternative locations for the applications data files.

I have Qimage installed on a SSD, and soon found that it was filling up a rapid rate, so moved the app data files to a partition on a standard hd. P drive

All went well, no problems, until about 3 weeks ago when Qimage started running very slow and was obviously very poorly.

At next start up got an error message - at 066cb817 invalid file name - %s -

No problem, reinstall last update.

Now we all no doubt get used to QI doing all the work for us, so I just accepted the defaults as usual and all was well again :( :(

A few days later I did a search for a specific image, and got no results.  All the data base and gone. :'( :'(

We have had quite a few update this last week or so, and when running one it just caught my eye that the data files were shown as ssd C drive.

A quick check showed a data file now on both C and P drives.

Reinstalled and this time looked what I was doing and made sure data in P was selected, and all is now well again. :-[ :-[



Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: tonygamble on June 13, 2014, 09:08:27 AM

Well spotted. I also use a C: SSD.

What 'search' words did you use in Explorer to spot the duplication?


Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: Jeff on June 13, 2014, 03:13:20 PM

Well spotted. I also use a C: SSD.

What 'search' words did you use in Explorer to spot the duplication?


I just looked up the 'Utilities >Migrate application data' in Qimage. then went to the locations in Explorer.

I would add that I think it was a Windows 7 problem.


Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: tonygamble on June 13, 2014, 03:24:09 PM
And that showed you two locations, Jeff?


Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: jana on June 13, 2014, 03:48:05 PM
I hava a similar setup with Qimage installed on a SSD and the data files on a std. HD. No problems whatsoever. Running Win7.

Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: Terry-M on June 13, 2014, 05:23:13 PM
Two points to make:
It sounds as though some of you skimped on the size of the SSD, mine is 240GB; QU program data is 40GB and the SSD C-drive is less than half full, so no problem there.
Point 2: use QU maintenance facilities under the Utilities menu  for Thumbs and cache.

Title: Re: A word of warning
Post by: Jeff on June 14, 2014, 07:12:33 AM
Two points to make:
It sounds as though some of you skimped on the size of the SSD, mine is 240GB; QU program data is 40GB and the SSD C-drive is less than half full, so no problem there.
Point 2: use QU maintenance facilities under the Utilities menu  for Thumbs and cache.

Correct.  Size skimp.

My experience with SSD's up to now is not good.

Their price is dropping, so a future update is to install a big one and start again with a re-install of win 7 and clean system.

Everything working at present but still a bit slow.
