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Author Topic: About the RAW cache folder  (Read 9115 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« on: April 11, 2014, 04:51:44 PM »

I'm thinking of installing Win 8 and dual booting with Win 7 then gradually going through the tedious business of loading programmes onto Win 8.  On checking whether I had sufficient space on my C drive I found Qimage RAW cache was in two folders:  I assumed these were duplicates and taking up more space than necessary on my 224Gb SSD C drive.  Both sets of RAW cache and thumbnails include those from today’s pictures.  The two folders are:

C/ProgramData/ddisoftware/Qimage with a list of folders including RAW cache and thumbnails. 
C/Users/All users/ddisoftware/Qimage with a similar list of folders including Rawcache and thumbnails.

Looking in the Utilities tab Qimage says it is using ProgramData (not Users) for the location of RAW cache and thumbs.
“OK,” I thought.  “I’ll delete the one in the C/Users folder.”  Both disappeared and both re-appeared when I restored from the Recycle bin.  Are they actually the same set of folders just with different routes to get to them?

If/When I dual boot Win 7 and Win 8 I would want to put the RAW cache on a different drive.  I know I can do that, indeed I’ve done it before.  Can I use the same location for both Win 7 and Win 8?  Then I won’t have two sets of RAW cache which take up significant disc space.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2014, 09:22:55 AM »

C/ProgramData/ddisoftware/Qimage with a list of folders including RAW cache and thumbnails.
C/Users/All users/ddisoftware/Qimage with a similar list of folders including Rawcache and thumbnails.

My GUESS is there is only one Cache folder, but two ways to access it.
This is better left for Mike or someone else more qualified.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2014, 01:24:26 PM »


Good question.  c:\programdata is the "real" folder.  c:\users\All Users is a symbolic link to c:\programdata.  So these two locations and everything in them are the same (one) place:

c:\users\All Users

If you open both of those locations you'll notice it's not just Qimage or the cache folder that's the same.  Everything from all companies and all folders underneath are the same because they are the same place.  There is only one real location and, as Fred said, two ways to access it so disk space isn't doubled.

Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2014, 10:39:01 PM »

Thanks.  I had an idea and got both folders on screen together.  I copied a file onto one and saw it arrive on the other simultaneously  and reckoned (correctly as it turns out) they were the same folder.

What about my second query?  If I dual boot  Win7 and Win 8 and place the RAW cache on a separate internal HDD can I use the same RAW cache folder for both OSs? 

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2014, 09:33:10 AM »

What about my second query?  If I dual boot  Win7 and Win 8 and place the RAW cache on a separate internal HDD can I use the same RAW cache folder for both OSs?

I have a dual boot system.
On turning on the machine, I get my offer, default to W7 or arrow to W8.
Either choice make that one Windows the C: drive.... so bottom line, you will have a CACHE for each.

This is strictly my opinion and experience.... not necessarily the same for you or anyone else.

It was unnecessarily tedious. In the end it took longer for me to learn W7 and wean myself from XP.
I was so happy with XP, and I was the boss of the computer.

Windows 7 is even better than XP by a lot, and along came W8.
I installed W8 in place of XP.
I installed W8 and found it was a W7 engine with a "Smart Phone" approach to using it.  Icons and more Icons screens that change like I was on an iPHONE or a DROID phone.... tons of things popping up in front of my face like I was a teen ager being tempted to buy... toys and apps to to play music and RAP videos.

I personally hated it. But there is a W7 "SHELL". It installs in W8 and lets me run 8 in my comfortable mode.
My wife recently bought a new computer. We insisted on W7, and they were happy to comply. 

I keep W 8.1 on my dual boot system to be able to check any issue that a Qimage user may claim shows up in his W8 machine.
Otherwise, ..... not for me.

Another issue I faced was dual email... dual calendars,,, dual variables, dual bookmarks.... so Dual became a Duel.
So I use one system and try to learn it so I am the boss of the computer again.
PS. Reality Check.
The computer is like your cat.   Just when you think it's your cat, it reminds you: Only because it lets you be.

Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2014, 01:35:04 PM »

Hi Fred
I tried Win 8 some time ago - I got a copy cheap because I already had Win 7.  I hated the gui but had the impression that what was under the bonnet was good.  I tried Classic Shell to get the Win 7 gui and that was fine but a couple of items (Thunderbird?) didn't work immediately so rather than play I deleted Win 8 and went back to Win 7 which I like.  Apart from a couple of trivial niggles the PC is going well so it's time for me to upset that LOL!  Ah well, no fool like an old fool.

The idea would be to move over to Win 8 - I don't intend to run the two in parallel apart from getting Win 8 established.  I have an old PC on Win XP another very solid OS (RIP) -  I wasn't impressed with Win2000, Vista etc and never did anything except read the complaints about them!  However, I'm wondering what files etc I can share or copy to Win 8 from Qimage.  Using the same folder for RAW cache would seem possible.  Indeed It might be possible to get Win 8 to use the RAW cache in the Win 7 partition by directing the Win 8 RAW cache to that folder and I am guessing I can copy and paste the thumbnails.  None of these is anything more than for temporary convenience or for starting up but it would be nice to know if they should work before I screw everything up.

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