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Author Topic: Access violations using 2018.103 with Windows 10 64 bit  (Read 5792 times)
Geoff Stevens
Posts: 6

« on: July 03, 2017, 01:09:52 PM »


I'm getting access violations (in ntdll.ddll, for example) since I've started using Windows 10.  These all appear to be related to when I change anything in the printer setup - I'm using an Epson R3000.  If I don't go into the printer setup all seems OK.  I've tried resetting printer settings and deleting .ini files - to no avail.  I don't know if it is of any significance but when I look into qimagepr.in. there is a text string that says (sic) V e r s i o n  E r r o.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4229

« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2017, 04:08:50 PM »

Thanks for the info.  That version error string is coming from the driver: everything after the QU version number (such as v2018.103 at the beginning of that qimagepr.ini file) is the device capability listing from the driver.  An error there means that the driver is failing when Windows querries the driver.

Nearly all Win10 updates within the past 6 months or so have caused some sort of problem with printer drivers for many users.  Sometimes the Win10 update deletes your printer driver.  Sometimes it renames it.  Sometimes it is still listed but doesn't work anymore.  So my advice would be to uninstall the R3000 driver and download the latest Win10 driver from the Epson site and reinstall it.  Hopefully that will correct the problem.

Not sure what MS's problem is lately but each update of Win10 seems to get worse.  The biggest offender is that each update seems to "step on" various printer drivers and fouls them up.  Whether or not your printer is affected seems to be luck of the draw.

Geoff Stevens
Posts: 6

« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2017, 04:58:29 PM »

Thanks Mike.

It looks like it's something I'll have to live with until MS get their updates sorted.  I have heard of various other similar issues from elsewhere.

Fortunately, it's an annoyance rather than a 'deal breaker' - Qimage still manages to print with the usual quality.

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