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Author Topic: Actual print size not matching expected output  (Read 16938 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« on: February 29, 2016, 05:38:15 AM »

I've printed many, many images and can't understand what's going on here. I've just wasted four 17x22 sheets and I really don't like doing that.

Windows 10, EPSON 3880 Ultimate version 20161.40

My paper size is selected as 17x22
Custom print size with 17 entered as the long end
Hovering my mouse over the preview window shows a print of 16.98x11.32 @ 398ppi
Auto cropping is off
The image looks like it's centered in the preview window
I did the analyze settings command, no errors
The end result is an image with the approximate dimensions of 5x7.5 in the corner of my 17x22 sheet.
I've tried removing the image from the queue and re-selected custom print size with the same result.
Can't really test now since this was my last 4 sheets only one of which I needed for a Thursday show.  Angry
I love Qimage but man sometimes it does some wacky stuff.
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2016, 06:07:34 AM »

After changing to another paper of a different size with the same result I used a long forgotten command. Resetting all program settings cleared it up.  Wish I would have thought of that 4 sheets ago. Rather annoying that the preview window didn't show the error.  :-\
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 07:57:50 AM »

Rather annoying that the preview window didn't show the error.
It's obvious there's a problem of some sort because the printer resolution says 160x160 both above the preview and 160ppi showing below too.
160ppi is not a whole number fraction of the 720ppi native resolution of an Epson printer.
160ppi is a very low printer resolution anyway.
You either had some weird setting in the driver or some corruption which a re-set sorted.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 11:19:06 AM »

After changing to another paper of a different size with the same result I used a long forgotten command. Resetting all program settings cleared it up.  Wish I would have thought of that 4 sheets ago. Rather annoying that the preview window didn't show the error.

The reason that Qimage didn't show the error was due to the error coming after Qimage sent the print to the driver.
The error was in the driver settings as shown by the resolution of 160 x 160.

I added a screen snap to show you that even inside the driver window, there is a sample showing what you described when you change the output size in the driver.


« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 11:41:13 AM by Fred A » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 04:01:07 PM »

I always had the Epson preview turned off, never liked having to click on another button. Guess it's time to turn it on.  I've had this sort of thing pop up in the past and it seems to happen after playing around with autocrop, boarders and other related settings.



After changing to another paper of a different size with the same result I used a long forgotten command. Resetting all program settings cleared it up.  Wish I would have thought of that 4 sheets ago. Rather annoying that the preview window didn't show the error.

The reason that Qimage didn't show the error was due to the error coming after Qimage sent the print to the driver.
The error was in the driver settings as shown by the resolution of 160 x 160.

I added a screen snap to show you that even inside the driver window, there is a sample showing what you described when you change the output size in the driver.


Full Member
Posts: 124

« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2016, 04:46:26 PM »

This looks exactly like the problem I had yeserday, which has now mysteriously rectified itself. See my post about it.
Posts: 1

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2017, 09:47:51 PM »

I think my question relates to a the same problem however im not sure (im very new to the programme)
using a 360 dpi resolution in photoshop ive imported to qimage with the programme add on a number of large fomat images to print with print output set at 360
when i want to add a border onto the image using plus b or b+ on the add borders section found in the new print size icon in the bottom right corner qimage will create am image that is not the size of the print i want with an extra border , it will resize it to another size....im trying to figure out what im doing wrong but as yet havent been able to work it out..any help would be great..when i select auctual siz eto print without a border it will output to the correct size but i wanted to add a 2inch border to each image
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2018, 10:08:29 AM »

I think my question relates to a the same problem however im not sure (im very new to the programme)
using a 360 dpi resolution in photoshop ive imported to qimage with the programme add on a number of large fomat images to print with print output set at 360
This is odd.
I just got the email notice for this post and it said that it was sent out yesterday; but dated a year ago.

So not sure what happened, but I assume it is recent since you mention import from PS using the program.

Not enough information from you.....
What size paper?
What size print with and without the border?
How are you setting the "output size"?  I assume you are printing to paper?

How are you telling Qimage what size print you want. If you simply tell QU to make an 8 x 10 it will, as long as the paper is large enough/
Add a border it will if the paper is large enough.
Add the image using Original size which locks in the ppi at 360, and it will size to the ppi..... and that depends on the image resolution, and also whether you have the OVERRIDE box checked in Qimage..
If you place the image into the queue at original size, that is the IMAGE size on the paper, regardless of the borders and B+ or not. You used Original Size.
Unless you have some contractual reason for 360 ppi, just tell QU what size print you want (auto crop on), add your border, and print.

Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2018, 02:37:53 PM »

Yes, printing to paper. I printed an 8.5 x 11 test image first, setting this up the normal way through the printers and settings tab.  After that successful print I selected a 17x22 paper size in the qimage media size drop down in order to print my final print.  The image then changes to the correct size as displayed in the image display area of qimage, and if I hover over with my mouse it shows the correct image size of 21.30 x 14.53 including boarder which is currently set at inner 0.25. There's no issue with that size, it will print correctly.  The problem is if you starting playing with the output sizes there can be a glitch where either qimage is not sending the new output settings to the printer driver or the printer driver won't accept it, i don't know.

This is nothing I am setting incorrectly in qimage, I know how to make a print having used this software for many years. There'a a glitch when you start playing with the output settings in qimage. As you can see above, I'm not the only person this has happened too. My current setup is Windows 10, Qimage 2018.121 and an Epson 3880 however this issue has been happening for years.  Hope that helps.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2018, 05:58:02 PM »

The problem is if you starting playing with the output sizes there can be a glitch where either qimage is not sending the new output settings to the printer driver or the printer driver won't accept it, i don't know.
Please explain in detail.
Playing with output sizes.....
What size print desired; crop on or off, with border or without, and border made using borders or mat type?

When you do what, you get a wrong response?
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2018, 07:50:21 PM »

The problem is if you starting playing with the output sizes there can be a glitch where either qimage is not sending the new output settings to the printer driver or the printer driver won't accept it, i don't know.
Please explain in detail.
Playing with output sizes.....
What size print desired; crop on or off, with border or without, and border made using borders or mat type?

When you do what, you get a wrong response?

Detail. Say you have a print set up how you want and print. All goes good.  Then with that print job still active you change the print size or you change a boarder or maybe fit to paper or fit to page. Now in Qimage it looks correct on screen, and the image size shown when you hover over the image with your mouse is also correct. So now you print and the print comes out in the previous size, not the size you just changed too.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2018, 08:35:12 PM »

So now you print and the print comes out in the previous size, not the size you just changed too.
Ned I really wish you would give actual examples so I could try to repeat what you get.
But absent that, I will say for sure that if you select the QUEUE TAB and read what Qimage reports as the size, that is the size that Qimage is sending to the driver.

That's why I wanted specifics so I could see if the Aoto crop was on, if there was more than one inage in the queue, and was the one you changed, SELECTED.
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2018, 04:07:34 AM »

I'll have to wait until it happens again to see if I screwed up somewhere or what.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2018, 10:01:21 AM »

I'll have to wait until it happens again to see if I screwed up somewhere or what.

Please double check the driver settings on Page Layout (See screen snap) that there are no checkmarks on the left side; specifically in the REDUCE/ENLARGE area.
Most email and phone issues about wrong size stem from that.
Two more items of note.
The driver settings stick with the recalled print setup or saved job. You could be fine when using one paper type and messed up when you changed papers.
The second item of note, is that most folks I talk through the reset, swear they never touched that Enlarge/Reduce area.
I believe them. So we have to look at the possibility that there's a driver bug where selecting a paper size and type in the driver and maybe a quality setting will pop a check in there.
So keep your eyes open in that Layout tab. If all good, perhaps resave the p[rinter setup.

OK Holler if you find anything.
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2019, 04:04:36 PM »

So I think my problem was the result of not looking at which page was actually printing. It seems that its easy (for me) to change something and not realize that another page was added resulting in me not printing the correct page. I've made it a habit to look at the page numbers at the bottom to make sure I've removed any pages that I don't want printed.  Roll Eyes
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