Title: Adding text to the bottom of an Image Post by: HerrBill on August 06, 2020, 08:44:02 PM Hi Fred,
I’m having trouble moving and editing a text which I have added to an image in the page editor. • I have tried hoovering over the text but with no success. • I have tried editing the text by clicking click A (Text), but I end up with a second floating text • I have tried high lighting the text to delete but to no avail. • I have looked for a tutorial but without success. I hope you can put me right. Regards Bill Title: Re: Adding text to the bottom of an Image Post by: admin on August 07, 2020, 02:22:58 AM You will see a small blue circle next to the text: that is the text anchor. You can click on that blue circle and drag to move it or right click on it to edit.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: Adding text to the bottom of an Image Post by: HerrBill on August 07, 2020, 08:09:22 AM Thanks, Mike. Job done.
Bill Title: Re: Adding text to the bottom of an Image Post by: Fred A on August 07, 2020, 08:19:24 AM Quote You will see a small blue circle next to the text: that is the text anchor. You can click on that blue circle and drag to move it or right click on it to edit. Ok Bill and others.... Just to add to Mike's answer so you can experiment and create; Here's some clues what to do with the other buttons. OK, looking across the top on the left, we see a blue button that says FONT. Obvious, but you can also change Point size and color of the text. Next button is more advanced color selection. Next is shadow color. It lets you choose the color for a sort of 3D block letter set.It will appear behind the main text letters. Next is the spacing between the shadow text and the main text. Generally, large point size requires higher numbers; ie, a 3 for 28 point, and a 6 for 48 point. Next is rotate text. Put any number you want usinga minus degrees to slan the other way. Of course, 180 comes in handy for folded cards. The last 4 are for aligning text. Make each line line up tight left under each other, center the lines under each other, and to the right. Just hover the mouse to see what they do. That should help. One more item needs re-enforcing. Qimage Ultimate never changes, harms, adjusts, or ruins any image. It is all done with filters, so you can try anything, and remove the filters and start over. Fred |