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Author Topic: An idea to speed bulk processing shots of people at an indoor event.  (Read 4980 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« on: January 13, 2014, 04:37:37 PM »

I say indoor as at outdoor gatherings I tend to find the light is more consistant.

Not many people around here seem to be as obsessed with speedily processing a batch of shots as I am. I get the impression that most people get their fun from making the best possible result from a single shot.

For example today my need is to take 150 shots taken under adverse conditions and get them acceptably ready to be seen by the people pictured. Friday night I had to photograph the start of a party. The organisers had arranged for that element of the evening to be in an almost unlit room - so dark that my camera was struggling to focus. There were corners with coloured lighting and I wanted my flash shots to retain some of that colourful ambience in the background.

What I think to be my 'smart idea' is to start by calling up all the RAWs and paging through them setting the fill slider to get the faces mid tone. Lighten or darken the image so that the face is in the middle of the tonal range.

Then move on to add your preferred filters. Yes, you will get images that need adjusting. But, from my recent experiments, the failure rate is less using my strategy. The other thing is that paging through all the RAWs is relatively quick on my PC - compared with many of the other image adjustments of QU.


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