Since I went digital 3 years ago I have been frequenting DPR, Luminous Landscape, and 4/3 Photo forums.I also found a few reviews online after doing a search for Qimage. Typically when the subject of a 'printing program" was discussed Qimage has repeatedly been given very high praise by most.
It then became a 'no brainer' when I decided to get into serious printing in my framing business a couple of months ago

Genuine Fractals was also a contender but being a small business man myself and hearing about,and finding out for myself how responsive and dedicated Mike is to Qimage as far as help, I chose Qimage Ult.
I know there has been much grumbling about the yearly renewal fee and I cannot imagine how anyone could gripe about a $20 fee when most easily piss away more than that eating a glorified fast food dinner that is deficated the next day! Some people are so short sighted!
This program has already produced excellant results right out of the starting gate ,and will easily save me much production time,materials, and effort, which consequently translates to saving hundreds and perhaps thousands of $$$$ over it's lifetime.
I could not have made a better choice!