Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: lj on March 25, 2015, 09:18:01 PM

Title: Anchoring Floating text
Post by: lj on March 25, 2015, 09:18:01 PM
I know how to anchor a floating text to an image, but can you anchor a text to the page instead - for example always bottom left corner?

Title: Re: Anchoring Floating text
Post by: Fred A on March 25, 2015, 09:59:17 PM
I know how to anchor a floating text to an image, but can you anchor a text to the page instead - for example always bottom left corner?

Yes, I am assuming that you want to put some text (Like Photo by.....) in the same place on each single image per page.
In other words, you want to make a bunch of 8 x 10 prints on 8.5 x 11 paper and want the text to appear on each?

Use the template thumbnail to make an 8 x 10 in the queue.
Now go into the Page Editor screen and place your text properly.
DONE!   You are back on the main screen.
Click FILE, SAVE, and then click the "L" button at the bottom.
Give the Save an appropriate name.
When you wish to call it to use, Go to print propeties, Custom, put a dot in Layout, find your file and open.
Adding images to the queue will result in more and more of these templates with images automatically appearing.

Title: Re: Anchoring Floating text
Post by: lj on March 25, 2015, 10:17:38 PM
I think this will do what I want. I'll try tomorrow.