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Author Topic: Anyone here moved from Oly EM5 Mk1 to Mk 2 ?  (Read 6923 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« on: March 16, 2017, 06:43:12 AM »

I ask as I am finding my RAWs encourage me to use larger numbers in DFS.

I ran a job yesterday with settings of 5 and 150. I looked at them this morning and am going to try 10 and 200. It looks better on a couple of frames. I now need to use Mike's trick using an initially blank Custom Filter to run the change on the whole folder.

Has anyone found the two camera bodies handle RAW differently?

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 08:59:22 AM »

Has anyone found the two camera bodies handle RAW differently?

Good day Tony.
Glad to hear you again.
Yes is the answer, and .... QU has a built in tool for that.
Not only for sharpness, but for noise too.
I think we spoke about this a couple of years back.

If you go to Edit/ Preferences/Raw options, you can tweak the settings for the new camera without changing settings for your other cameras.

See screen snap-... 117 shows the settings for my 20D....
I click the yellow folder icon and it opens my stash of saved camera tweak settings.  I select my 50 D in snap 119.
In snap 120, I show that I have a tad more noise reduction turned on due to the 50D being noisier than my 20D
Then Save the setting using the save icon.

If you only have one camera, or you only use one camera, QU will ask if you want these settings to be the default.
Oh I forgot. QU finds the correct file for the camera it sees. You do not have to open anything to select a camera.

Hope this helps.
My best to the queen
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 09:01:17 AM by Fred A » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 12:19:32 PM »

Thanks Fred,

Perhaps I never fully understood the effect of those RAW Preferences.

I have one for the EM5 (and it might even have come from you) and it shows DFS 2 and 150 with the EQ at 50%.

When i look at the RAW with Custom Filter it shows the DFS as 0 and 0.

What has QU done with that 2 and 150?


PS. HRH is in good form. Done twice the number of gigs as young Will this year - to the annoyance of the Great British Press!
Fred A
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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2017, 12:44:49 PM »

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Re: Anyone here moved from Oly EM5 Mk1 to Mk 2 ?
« Reply #2 on: Today at 08:19:32 AM »
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Thanks Fred,

Perhaps I never fully understood the effect of those RAW Preferences.

I have one for the EM5 (and it might even have come from you) and it shows DFS 2 and 150 with the EQ at 50%.

When i look at the RAW with Custom Filter it shows the DFS as 0 and 0.

What has QU done with that 2 and 150?


So far, good. Now just move the EQ slider to 100% and save it.
That should take care of it.
The part you have incorrect is that these are initial settings for the RAW image development. These are not together with teh Editor. So you do not see those numbers. The editor DFS starts at 0,0
It is normal for RAW images to be soft. They need a jump start to look normal. That's why QU sets a default for you.
All programs that read Raw files have initial settings. PRESETS are what they are called.

I remembered that we were working on your P123121.orf and using that set in the Noise box  to fix them.
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2017, 02:43:09 PM »

Sorry Fred but I don't understand why Mike wants us to have two DFS settings.

Looking at some of the files yesterday I'd say they need DFS 10 and 200.

If I put that in the RAW preference and find they are over sharpened I cannot reduce the sharpening in the Edit stage - or can I?

If I can't it would be a real bore to have to create a new RAW preference just for a few files.

I can see the point in stating a preference for noise removal but what is the point in having a DFS preference if you are going to need a further DFS in Edit mode?

Fred A
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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2017, 03:59:17 PM »


Looking at some of the files yesterday I'd say they need DFS 10 and 200.

If I put that in the RAW preference and find they are over sharpened I cannot reduce the sharpening in the Edit stage - or can I?

If I can't it would be a real bore to have to create a new RAW preference just for a few files.

I can see the point in stating a preference for noise removal but what is the point in having a DFS preference if you are going to need a further DFS in Edit mode?


Tony I am going  to go over your post line by line,.

1)   Fred but I don't understand why Mike wants us to have two DFS settings.

Options  holds the Preset sharpening so Raw files do not look like mush. All raw developing programs have a preset sharpening. Forget the DFS name for a moment. It's Preset sharpening.

2) Looking at some of the files yesterday I'd say they need DFS 10 and 200.

If that's what they need, then that's what they need.
You implied earlier that the new camera was producing softer images... all of them!
Then the Preset sharpening would need adjustment.

3) If I put that in the RAW preference and find they are over sharpened I cannot reduce the sharpening in the Edit stage - or can I

Yes you can by inserting a minus in front of the strength in the DFS in the editor.

4)If I can't it would be a real bore to have to create a new RAW preference just for a few files.

This implies that it is only a few files that are in dire need of more sharpening. That implies that the overall images are OK with the standard current Option Preset. Therefore, it is not the camera and all images.

5) I can see the point in stating a preference for noise removal but what is the point in having a DFS preference if you are going to need a further DFS in Edit mode?

 Asked and answered, but I'll try again.

The raw images are inherently soft. A sharpening Preset is used to get a decent image on screen.
Some images need more sharpening than others...... Some images call for sharpening a white bird, but no sharpening of a blue sky... There is no one fita all setting. It sounds like you never used Tone Targeted Sharpening.

Last example.... I want you to picture this...
I have a friend with a NIKON D 800... When he raises the iso in that camera on an indoor scene, his images look like they were taken in a sand storm.
In Options, we set the Noise reduction to turn on much sooner than default, and since that softens the image, we improved the PRESET sharpening.
The ISO was 3200 pushed by QU to 10,400 to get a good printable image. The Noise reduction was full on ... both regular and chroma.
I hope this helps.


Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2017, 04:17:14 PM »

Thanks for all that detail Fred.

Almost all the time I have had the EM5 Mk1 I have been adding 5 and 150 DFS in Edit. Sometimes it has been too much and I have dropped to around 1 and 100. Reading what you say my RAW presets have always been too low.

The new Mk2 seems to find 5 and 150 DFS too low but I guess that could be because I have not created a preset for it. I'll do one and see if it then does not need the 10 and 200 I mentioned above.

I'm still hoping that a QU user may see this thread and say 'Yes this new Mk 2 is softer because ....' That was my real question but thank you, nevertheless, for taking me deeper into the magic of DFS.

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