« on: January 26, 2019, 05:58:03 PM » |
Can't open QIU due to an application error. Error window says "Exception EPrinter in module Qimage.exe at 00177526. Printer selected is not valid."
In an attempt to solve the problem, I purchased, downloaded and installed (latest update v2019.110) on a 2nd PC and everything was fine.
I uninstalled/reinstalled v2019.110 on the 1st PC and the error was still there. I suspect until the "...Printer selected..." is cleared the problem's not going away. How can that selection be cleared when QIU can't be started? I tried uninstalling using both the Automatic and Custom options with no success in getting rid of QIU's "memory" of the problem selection.
Help, please.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 06:16:38 PM by ed_k »
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2019, 08:04:24 PM » |
Eprinter exceptions come from the driver, meaning that the printer driver is crashing. When you start Qimage the next time, you are normally presented with a "Reset" or "Normal" option. Typically the "Reset" option will take care of it but if not, you can start Qimage while holding the shift key which resets everything to defaults and will often correct the problem.
Be aware that if you are using a Canon XPS driver, don't use that driver and instead use the regular Canon driver. In addition, make sure your Windows default printer is set to the normal driver and not the Canon XPS driver before doing the above. The XPS drivers have serious bugs that prevent them from being viable for general use. If you are not using a Canon printer or don't have the XPS driver(s) installed, you can ignore this but not knowing what printer you are using, I thought it worth mentioning.
Regards, Mike
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 05:01:04 PM » |
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, the problem remains.
FYI, the print is an Epson Workforce WF-7110.
The curious thing is that the only place the problem occurs is on one of my two PC's and there only with QIU. My wife, who doesn't use QUI, has no problems with the printer. I think we can eliminate the printer as the guilty party.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled both the printer and QUI numerous times over the past two days (and downloaded a fresh driver from Epson) to no avail. I've used QI for years and never had problems until now.
In spite of uninstalling QIU, I can't seem to get it to "forget" whatever setting it is that's causing the problem. I have to conclude that somewhere in the QIU setup, something gets left behind during the uninstall. The fact that there is no problem with my 2nd PC - which never had QIU installed until yesterday when I was trying to solve this - seems to confirm this suspicion. How do I remove every vestige of QIU? Where might some of it still be lurking after an uninstall? If I could clean the PC of ALL of it, then I could repeat my experience with the "good PC's install".
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2019, 05:36:13 PM » |
You can't rule out a problem with the printer. QU communicates with the printer more thoroughly than any other software, requesting device capabilities like non printable margins that other software doesn't care about. If any one of those requests for information fails, the driver will fail and cause that EPrinter exception. When you see "Printer selected is not valid", it means that the driver responded to a request and returned no data or invalid data to Windows... so the problem still lies within the driver.
I assume you tried holding the shift key while starting QU and keeping it held until it starts? That is the equivalent of erasing everything but if you want to clean out the folder manually, you could uninstall QU and then delete the ddisoftware folder: that's typically under \Programdata: delete the "ddisoftware" folder from within C:\Programdata. Then reinstall QU. If after doing that, QU still gives the invalid printer message, then that message is correct: the printer (driver) is not valid or corrupted in some way.
Fred suggested checking the port assigned to the printer because he's had a problem with that on his Workforce printer, but that isn't likely the issue if you can print from other software that might be doing more "plain" printing and requires less of the driver.
Regards, Mike
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2019, 01:14:10 PM » |
Thanks again for your input. Yes, I tried everything you suggested (shift key included) and more (like a complete update of printer firmware & driver) - multiple times. Still no go. For the time being I'll switch to the 2nd PC when I need QU; far from ideal, but it gets the job done.
I still believe that as long as residual QU elements remain on my PC after an uninstall the problem will remain after a reinstall. QU needs to forget about the printer and its settings that were previously used - else this trap I'm in will continue (it's like the movie Ground Hog Day). "QU-Stuff" does definitely remain no matter what uninstall approach I used, including manual. After uninstalling, I can do a search of my system and still find references to QImage. It's too bad that this can't be fixed/changed.
Please let me know if/when a 100% clean uninstall change is available. In the meantime, I'll remove QU from my main PC.
Thanks again for trying to help.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 01:16:50 PM by ed_k »
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2019, 02:03:29 PM » |
The shift key IS the 100% uninstall as far as the startup is concerned! With the shift key held, it completely ignores all saved info and opens QU as if it can't find any files associated with it. Instead of ignoring the stored files on boot, if you'd rather just delete them, I gave you the instructions on how to do that too. There is a simple way to determine whether or not it's the driver itself. You could select a different printer as the Windows default printer in Control Panel and then start QU with the shift key held and it will open with the Windows default printer selected (something other than your Workforce printer). Even if you only have one of the Windows default "printers" like the Microsoft XPS Document Writer, that method is a good test.
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2019, 06:54:15 PM » |
Followed your advice to change the default printer - even though I have only one real printer. That allowed me to open QU and past that point the rest was easy.
Sorry for being such a bother.
Thanks, Mike