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Author Topic: Auto Fill Light  (Read 9957 times)
Roy Shopland
Posts: 9

« on: October 30, 2013, 08:52:09 AM »

I have recently installed Qimage Ultimate 2014.121 but I do not seem able to master the Auto Fill Light facility. I put a cross in the Raw image options and the cache of thumbnails rebuild but there is no noticeable change and the relatively dark raw files (Nikon D 800 NEF) do not change. Also when I go into Raw Photo Developing Options the fill is still set at zero. It is possible to move the slider to achieve the desired result. I have watched the video on this subject (albeit for the 2011 version) and cannot see where I am going wrong. Any help would be appreciated. many thanks.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 09:17:50 AM »

I have recently installed Qimage Ultimate 2014.121 but I do not seem able to master the Auto Fill Light facility. I put a cross in the Raw image options and the cache of thumbnails rebuild but there is no noticeable change and the relatively dark raw files (Nikon D 800 NEF) do not change. Also when I go into Raw Photo Developing Options the fill is still set at zero. It is possible to move the slider to achieve the desired result. I have watched the video on this subject (albeit for the 2011 version) and cannot see where I am going wrong. Any help would be appreciated. many thanks.
Hi Roy,
Welcome to the forum..

I have attached a screen snap of what the RAW OPTION settings box should look like.
If you put check marks in the same places, it will work fine.

When you say "TOO DARK" and the REFINE screen is showing ZERO fill, that says it is shut off.
I have a couple of those 75 meg D 800 images here from a friend's camera, and I assure you they wok fine.

Can you post a screen snap of YOUR settings in that RAW Options box?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 10:12:53 AM »

I have a couple of those 75 meg D 800 images here from a friend's camera, and I assure you they wok fine.

I found them... D800 images processed but no tinkering; right from my Qimage screen.
There are two samples/
First is an interior shot of an old wooden building.
You can see that Qimage has raised the Auto FILL to a 15.   You know this is auto fill because if YOU move that Fill slider, it will have red brackets reminding you that you selected that setting, and also that the setting is locked.
The other image (outdoor) had a perfect exposure, and Qimage found no need to alter the Fill automatically.

If the images were under exposed, Qimage compensates, unless, you have that turned off.


Roy Shopland
Posts: 9

« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 02:12:21 PM »

Hi Fred

Many thanks for your prompt response. I have set Raw Image Options in line with your template but it still seems to have no effect on the thumbnails even after they have been rebuilt. I have a screen shot of my set up on my desktop but for the life of me I cannot seem to find a way of incorporating it in this response!! The usual drag and drop or copy and paste does not seem to work. Can you advise me how to send this to you? Sorry to be so dim!!

Many thanks

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 02:35:44 PM »

I have set Raw Image Options in line with your template but it still seems to have no effect on the thumbnails even after they have been rebuilt. I have a screen shot of my set up on my desktop but for the life of me I cannot seem to find a way of incorporating it in this response!! The usual drag and drop or copy and

Ok Roy, let's go slowly for my sake.... Old man!!
If you had originally built the thumbs with an incorrect setting, then they have to be rebuilt.
Click (top of Qimage) VIEW. REBUILD THUMBS.

To add your sceen snap to your post click (see my attached) Additional options when you are making your reply.
This is a bit confusing, but the rules are: No one single attachment larger than 128K, and no total (max of 4 attachments) of all attachments greater than 256K
So when you create your screen snaps, watch the snaps sizes.

The shots I showed earlier were actual D 800 Nikon Raws. Qimage loves them! So it has to be a setting.
That's why we go slowly.
In that Raw Option screen, you need Smart Exposure checked, Auto Fill light, Auto Black Levels, FULL quality, and Lightning RAW.
Make sure on those 5 items.


PS just sent you an email.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 02:41:34 PM by Fred A » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2013, 03:44:01 PM »

Raw Image Options.  Fred, thanks for pointing this out.  However, when I went searching for it I had a hard time finding it.  I found it by accident.  How?  Well, I did the following:  1) clicked on Edit; 2) click on Preferences; 3) the clicked on Raw Format Options.  What showed up was a screen titled Raw Image Options.  Voila, success; but at for a while it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

It turned out that my settings reflected your.  Thanks.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2013, 04:24:01 PM »

Raw Image Options.  Fred, thanks for pointing this out.  However, when I went searching for it I had a hard time finding it.  I found it by accident.  How?  Well, I did the following:  1) clicked on Edit; 2) click on Preferences; 3) the clicked on Raw Format Options.  What showed up was a screen titled Raw Image Options.  Voila, success; but at for a while it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

It turned out that my settings reflected your.  Thanks.


Glad all OK..
Sometimes, I know where these things are, and I still can't find them.  Smiley

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2013, 04:29:30 PM »

I cannot seem to find a way of incorporating it in this response!! The usual drag and drop or copy and paste does not seem to work. Can you advise me how to send this to you? Sorry to be so dim!!

Thanks for the screen snap and the image.
As I said in my email: Nothing wrong, other than the lighting is flat and the image needs contrast. The decoding by Qimage is perfect.

Looks very nice... considering the lighting which I am guessing was natural soft light from a window?
Most of the brightness fell on her hip, so we have to fix the rest without over blowing the hip area.
Easily done in Qimage Ultimate.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2013, 09:02:27 PM »


Maybe I should have said that there seemed to be a disconnect.

It would be good if there was some consistency.  In a future version one of the labels should be changed:  it should be either Raw Format Options or Raw Image Options--but not two different ones for the same thing.

Thanks for listening

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