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Author Topic: Anchor floating text  (Read 6883 times)
Posts: 45

« on: September 01, 2022, 03:45:57 PM »

Is there a way to anchor floating text that has a variable like $T - IPTC Title?
I am making greeting cards, 4 cards on one sheet of 11x17 paper. I created a template/layout. looks great. Then I use a different photo, this photo is skinner, it centers in the template "cell" just like I want it to. (automatic cropping turned off) But now my text has moved to match the photo. I would like for the text to stay in the same place on the paper. Please see attached pictures that may tell the story better than I have.
Thanks, Jason
Posts: 45

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 03:55:57 PM »

The editing screenshot I didn't have enough room to upload.
Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 04:44:57 PM »

I would like for the text to stay in the same place on the paper. Please see attached pictures that may tell the story better than I have.
Thanks, Jason

Maybe I missed something you are trying to do.... but I created 2 5 x 7 templates. Then I added 2 images/ Then into Page editor and added text and the Time stamp. I placed the text in different locations on each image. Qimage asked if I wanted to move all text or just the one: Just the one.    OK all set on text in place. Now I was back in main screen and a I dragged replacement images over the ones that had the text. The text appeared on the new images in the same locations as before.
As Isaid, maybe I missed your problem???
Posts: 45

« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2022, 05:16:28 PM »

Thanks so much for your reply Fred.
Yes, sir, I may have been unclear. If you notice in the pictures, I am using the same template but when I change to a narrower picture, centered in the unmoving "cell", the floating text floats to, I assume, accommodate the thinner picture. I want the text to anchor to the template. The purpose is to have the variable title of the photograph and the photographer's credit always in the same place on the page regardless if the photo height shrinks to fit the template cell.
Thanks again for your always willingness to help.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2022, 06:12:31 PM »

Look at your screenshot where you have "Link to" checked: your floating text is linked to the selected print so it will move with the print.  UNcheck that "Link To" box and it will link to the page instead (because it isn't linked to any prints): that's what you want.

Posts: 45

« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2022, 06:17:11 PM »

Thanks Mike!
Will I still be able to use a variable like $T - IPTC Title?
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2022, 12:21:11 PM »

Thanks Mike!
Will I still be able to use a variable like $T - IPTC Title?

It can still be done with an extra step.  The problem here is that you have crop turned off which alters the location of the print depending on the aspect ratio: linked text goes along with that movement.  To fix this, you could:

(1) Alter the layout and just add ONE of the four text labels, say the top left one, and make sure "Link to" is UNchecked. Save the layout.
(2) Now when you use the layout, add the four images to the templates as usual.
(3) After images are added, select the print that goes with the one label on the page (probably top left print).
(4) Right click on the dot to edit the text label, check "Link to" and select "Prints on current page".

Step 3 ensures the label is relative to the correct print so that when labels are copied to other prints on the page in step 4, they are all in the correct spots.

Posts: 45

« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2022, 08:47:50 PM »

Thank you Sir, that does what I wanted it to. Now I better print out the steps so I can remember.
Thank you again for your great attention to customer service.
Posts: 45

« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2022, 11:41:35 PM »

I did find that when the page is laid out in this fashion as soon as I move the text "dot" the text turns to left aligned. Which is okay in this case, but not what I am trying to do. If I start with the text dot on the left where I want it as soon as I click center format it jumps to the horizontal center of the paper. I was trying to do centered text to the left of each photograph, to make 4 side-fold greeting cards when the sheet of paper is cut up. The body of the text is where I want it, I only wish I could format the "paragraph" to be centered.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2022, 12:19:29 PM »

Horizontal alignment should be of no consequence: it can align to the center of the paper in the layout (temporarily)... ignore that because as soon as you link the text to all prints on the current page (my step 4), it'll jump to the horizontal center of each photo.  So all you have to do when designing your layout is create the one text label and make sure your vertical alignment is OK.  You can link it to the top left template in your layout to help you see where it is going while designing the layout but just right click on the text dot and UNlink it before you save the layout.  The down side is that the layout will look a little weird with that temporary label placeholder in the center of the page but again, when you do my step 4 and link that label to all prints on the current page, the centering will center it under each print instead of the page (because it is linked now).

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