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Author Topic: Automated job log search  (Read 18749 times)
Full Member
Posts: 144

« on: September 20, 2013, 09:09:07 AM »

I keep getting crashes when I use Automated job log. I search with the binocular symbol, click on the result and get the attached screen. It finds the photo as you can see but the screen fills with error messages saying: Control " has no parent window. I have to ctrl/alt/del to escape. Any thoughts?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 09:21:28 AM »

Hi John,
I cannot repeat it here, but how about some specs on your set up.
Processor (64/32 bit) Windows version.
Even the details on what size print you are recovering, with which profile and which printer,,, etc.

What really works, if you can do it, is a little video showing opening QU, and your mouse clicks and what happens up to the crash.
I have done this for Mike a number of times, and sometimes, I am amazed that he spots something as weird and unique as my moving my mouse cursor much faster than he does across a section of the screen.
But that was "it" and he can fix "it".

If no video, then see if you can document each step.... up to the crash.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 09:33:55 AM »

I made a small video for you to see.... it is emailable.
I thought I had your email address  I do have one a gmail address.... so I'll try that.
You can email me if you have a better one...   

Full Member
Posts: 144

« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 09:58:10 AM »

Thanks Fred. The video showed we both do the same.
I have just tried it with a new print to be sure .
1 Print photo
2 Open Automated job log
3 Click binocular
4 Put in title of photo just printed.
5 Click OK
6 The last exit job is highlighted (lit?)
7 Click on it
8 Screen fills as in photo
9 Ctrl/alt/del etc

Any search results the same but if I just click on any job in the Automated job log list it loads normally. ie it seems it's the binoculars that cause the problem.
What do you use to make your videos?
Regards, John
Full Member
Posts: 144

« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 10:04:40 AM »

Forgot the info:
Win 7, 32 bit
Canon ip4850
Profile my usual from Profile Prism
6x4 was the last print size but all jobs do the same after search.
Might try reintalling Q
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 10:14:43 AM »

3 Click binocular
4 Put in title of photo just printed.
5 Click OK
6 The last exit job is highlighted (lit?)
7 Click on it

Please clarify 4, 5, and 6

You enter the search info either name, size, anything... that is number 4

5 You click OK in the search box, and the search routine finds a match or two or more.

6 confuses me.     The last exit job it lit?
Not here..

7 Click on it???   What is "it"?     Is it the Last exit job, or the job the search found that you should highlight and click OPEN?

Full Member
Posts: 144

« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 10:35:02 AM »

Hi Fred,
Yes 6, last exit job is lit, remember I had just done a new print. So the search of course found it. But any search result highlighted does the same. You get the Would you like to recall the entire job etc.. I click on the Job and get errors also if I click on settings.
I have uninstalled using revo pro to get the files removed and reinstalled 117. Same result.
If I click on an item in the Automated Job list and select Job or Settings it loads as expected.
If I search the Automated Job list and select a highlighted result and select Job or Settings it crashes. Message: Control " has no parent window

Off up to London soon, catch up later.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2013, 10:50:23 AM »

I just made a print and then went to Automated Job lob, and used binoculars to search for the image number, 4835
It found it, highlighted it (along with last START JOB)   but last EXIT JOB is not highlighted.

See snap.
OK maybe we track it down later.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2013, 11:28:42 AM »

Hi John,
Like Fred I cannot repeat your problem when searching the job log.
However, I have seen that error message before with multiple occurrences like you show.
I cannot remember what caused it or how I stopped it but a good start would be to re-boot your PC.
One other question, did you update your graphics driver recently? That seems to ring a bell with me. Either update the driver or revert to the previous version if it persists after a re-boot.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2013, 11:02:55 AM »

I cannot remember what caused it or how I stopped it but a good start would be to re-boot your PC.
One other question, did you update your graphics driver recently? That seems to ring a bell with me. Either update the driver or revert to the previous version if it persists after a re-boot.

I THINK, (operative word is think) I remember what to try to rememdy that issue.

Try this:
Uninstall Q-Ultimate and then turn off your Anti Virus checker.
I use AVG and there's actually turn off selection for 10 minutes or other intervals.
Nevertheless, they all have a way to disable the file checking.

Now do a fresh install, with a fresh download of Qimage.
Reason for the fresh download is that we are not sure if the download file was corrupted during it's inspection.
So make a fresh install.

Full Member
Posts: 144

« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2013, 12:01:45 PM »

Hi Fred and Terry,
I think you might be on the right lines with the anti virus. All is now working properly and I can't make it go wrong on the searches. The first thing I did this morning was to update the new McAfee anti virus which had just arrived. So perhaps the previous update was causing the problem. I didn't alter anything else, just started the computer as usual. I restarted it several times yesterday when trying to find the fault, with out success, so the only difference is the McAfee update today.
Thanks for your help,
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2013, 12:40:06 PM »

so the only difference is the McAfee update today.
Thanks for your help,

John, have you seen the disclaimer in Mike's web page.
It refers to MacAfee and their system of checking for viruses.
Glad you got it running...
See link below.

Full Member
Posts: 120

« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2015, 12:40:40 AM »

Folks, I'm suffering from this same issue now with QU15-114 and QU15-118.  FYI, here are my symptoms (I believe the same as the OP):

1. Start QU.
2. File > Open Automated Job Log...
3. Use "binoculars" to do keyword search for a job. Click [OK].
4. QU produces a list with a number of jobs highlighted. Double-click job of interest.
5. QU displays [Job][Settings][Cancel] dialog box. Click [Job].
6. QU closes the log window and loads the job into the UI (I can see the preview), but then QU outputs a continuous stream of "Control "
7. Kill QU with Task Manager.

In the past when this happened, installing a newer version over the existing version resolved the issue. Not this time. I have tried uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling, and installing a newer version.

But I think I might have found a work-around! At step 5, click [Cancel] the first time, then repeat and click [Job]. Clicking [Cancel] at least once seems to clear the problem and then QU works as expected.

I use the job log search feature very often in my studio, so if I encounter any other issue with it, I will report back here.




"May fortune favor the foolish."
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2015, 08:09:41 AM »

but then QU outputs a continuous stream of "Control "

Good morning.
I am trying to repeat your steps.
All is clear except for the "continuous stream of control"  What does that mean?

Next question:
What are ALL the settings on the main screen BEFORE  you go to auto Job Log?
In other words, what was paper size? What was current print default size?
Was there an image already in the queue before Auto Job log (I know it will be erased but trying to emulate as much as I can)

Is Qimage changing printers when you activate the job from AJL?  Is the new job a single image or multiple? Are all images available  if multiple?

Is there anyway you can make a small video of the incident and send it to me?

« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 08:11:48 AM by Fred A » Logged
Geraldo Garcia
Posts: 46

« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2015, 05:50:33 PM »

All is clear except for the "continuous stream of control"  What does that mean?

Fred, I believe Brad is referring to the continuous stream of error messages saying Control " has no parent window. What else could it be?
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