Title: Basic Question: Alter Qimage File locations Post by: aas on December 01, 2022, 05:53:10 PM Hello,
Win 10, 64b Qimage 2023.105 Basic question: Is there a way to point the out of box file locations to a different/network location? Out of box points to C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save I would like to change this to a network attached storage drive. Is this possible? Thanks in advance, Andrew Title: Re: Basic Question: Alter Qimage File locations Post by: admin on December 01, 2022, 07:02:14 PM You have an opportunity to select the application data folder during install but if you miss that, you can also migrate the application data folder to a new location: use the "Utilities" menu from the top menu. I wouldn't suggest putting the application data on a network location. That could cause all sorts of problems if the network location isn't available when you try to use Qimage. And it will drastically slow down performance. I'd recommend using another local drive if you want to put data somewhere else.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: Basic Question: Alter Qimage File locations Post by: aas on December 07, 2022, 08:18:06 PM Hi Mike...Thanks for the detailed reply and heads up on using a network location. I will keep things as-is.
Andrew |