I, not having PS thought I bet that could be done in QI simply fiddling with SelCol. A suggestion by Terry to start with a Saturation -100 proved that it could be done.
Hi Jeff.
First of all, Same Here. Everyone who fancies himself a guru in one area or another, has to show off with PS.
We even have one fellow in a club that fancies himself the RAW image maestro.
He advocates opening a RAW image in ACR in PS, having absolutely no presets, and all sliders either zeroed or OFF!
The he starts the tweaking routine, a touch of Contrast, and a dab of brightness, and how about a pinch of Clarifier, and a level teaspoon of Luminance, some Fill light, some shadow fill in, some highlight recovery, and then save it as a TIF.
Now open the TIF again because we need a half dozen layers for goosing colors, sharpening with Unsharp Mask, then we have to boost the colors in certain areas only, then clone out a branch. OOps! There's a dead leaf on the grass. Use Content Aware...
40 minutes later we might have an image.
This is show off stuff.
It's like me showing you my new car.
I get the crank out of the trunk (boot), set the spark for start, squeeze the bulb to get some fuel into the carburetor, and turn on the ignition.
I took the same image that the above guru was demonstrating, and inside of 90 seconds, had a better image ready to print.
But my way was too easy. How can it be good being that easy?
Such is the way people think.
Now to your B&W. I advised that you use the Predefined B&W filter. OK now suppose you want to play with the color channels, just for fun. This what Terry was going to tell you next.
Go into the Editor, click the SEL COLOR TAB, and now click the Load button.
You have your three primary color channel filters right there. You can load them one at a time, or however you want to play.
You can adjust the numbers ....
Last item.
I have one of those SWMBOs also.
Also from the old school, loyal and protective.
Tiger moth!?.... we have alligators in Florida.