Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: BackdropJunction on December 26, 2015, 03:41:06 PM

Title: Borderless error problems
Post by: BackdropJunction on December 26, 2015, 03:41:06 PM
Hi guys, I am trying to run a print 42" x 74" on an Epson 9890. Max. size for the printer is 44" so good there. I do this on a fairly regular basis and usually problems only come when I have these larger borderless prints.

The vinyl I am printing on is 42". I keep getting an error on the printer side saying there is a borderless error or that the material is not loaded correctly. I have reloaded numerous times with the same result. I don't know where the issue is but usually enough reloading gets its done, though this time it seems ridiculous. Any thoughts on where the problem lies. QI processes it just fine, and I have tried printing from other applications with the same result so pretty sure its not there. I have reloaded drivers as well with no result. I'm pretty well out of ideas here.

Title: Re: Borderless error problems
Post by: admin on January 01, 2016, 02:15:39 PM
Is the vinyl thin (translucent)?  Some printers, particularly Epson models, have trouble detecting the paper if the media is thin enough to let light through.  In those cases, the paper detector thinks there is no paper because the thinness of the material fools the sensor.  You could try running a strip of masking tape along the back side edges of the vinyl.
