Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Peter Gregg on June 24, 2014, 09:11:19 PM

Title: Bringing in photos from crd-reader help needed
Post by: Peter Gregg on June 24, 2014, 09:11:19 PM
I am attempting to test out the ability to bring in photo files directly from the cards in the card reader. I believe I have everything set up properly but QI says to select a source. I did, plus I saw a diagnostic choice in one of  the menus and it confirms the card reader letter (H). Nothing will trigger.

Is there a problem when using USB3 possibly? I am on Win 8.1 in the desktop section and obviously am using USB 3.0


Title: Re: Bringing in photos from crd-reader help needed
Post by: Fred A on June 24, 2014, 09:49:40 PM
If you click on SOURCE, do you get this?

Title: Re: Bringing in photos from crd-reader help needed
Post by: Peter Gregg on June 25, 2014, 02:06:48 AM
Found the problem for future users - you need to declare "Photo Video or Other" as the type of your source. Works well, highly recommended.

I hope it will keep (remember) the Operations data for future downloads.

I have been using DownloaderPro and this is easier to direct both video and photos from the SAME card to the respected locations. Mike Chaney has always been a cut above in Qimage and I appreciate it.


Title: Re: Bringing in photos from crd-reader help needed
Post by: Fred A on June 25, 2014, 09:34:24 AM
Found the problem for future users - you need to declare "Photo Video or Other" as the type of your source. Works well, highly recommended.
Peter, glad you got it going!!
Just a question.   Was the screen snap I sent any help (did you see "photo" in there, and that's what jump started it)?
I use a lot of screen snaps to describe, and I wonder if they are useful or extra baggage?
I look at the number of "views" on a screen attachment, and it looks low.
