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Author Topic: Bug? Doesn't like *.jpeg extension?  (Read 20142 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 01:09:28 AM »

Mike, the *.jpe Search shows the jpeg images as you suggested.  The one I still have with the *.jpg that opens in QU doesn't show in that Search (as it should).

First attachment below in Explorer shows the *.jpe Search results and those two files as requested.  The jpg one is absent as expected.

The second image attachment shows that Paint Shop Pro X3 (as well as CS5) opens both the jpeg and the jpg files.  The image below those two files (i.e. "Temp 9" where I have those jpeg and jpg files stored) is the screenshot of QU showing only the jpg file and not the jpeg ones.  Weird.

I cannot get IE9 to download those files without IE9 changing the jpeg extensions to jpg automatically.  Maybe Microsoft has recently done something (or some security patch?) by not allowing a jpeg extension to be downloaded for some reason only known to them?  Firefox 6 does it though (I haven't tried going back to a prior version yet.).

Fwiw, I just tried the "Save Image" with the "Opera" browser.  It allows me to save it as the jpeg too, same as Firefox does.  Only IE9 is auto-changing the extension and allowing me to work on the "Save Image" in QU.  Opera is also dead to QU on the jpegs I get here using it.

What is puzzling is "Why does Windows Preview, Photoshop CS5, Irfanview, and Paintshop Pro X3 open either a jpeg or jpg file here, but QU doesn't?"
It only will let me work on and view a jpg.  A bit puzzling too is why the "Details" icons in Windows (File) Explorer show the blue PS icon for the jpg and not the same for the jpeg one even though CS5 opens it by default as it does with the jpg too?  Something is missed up somewhere between a jpg and a jpeg.  Renaming them to jpg works for QU though so not a big issue as I could do a 'Batch Rename *.jpeg to *.jpg' if needed to make them show in QU and allow me to work with them.

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 03:09:47 AM »

fwiw, some programs do not rely on the file name extension to determine the file type, some do. Some will want the old dos 3 letter extension. In Firefox, for example, you can save a jpeg image with a .tif extension (but it does not convert the image to a tif when it is saved) You can also save it with any other meaningless extension, e.g. 'image.ghjkl'. Firefox will automatically recognise them as as a jpeg  when it reopens them, whereas Irfanview offers the choice to automatically change the extension to jpg. Qimage Studio recognises jpeg (if not cmyk), jpg, but not a renamed jpg to tif - it flags that when opening Qimage allowing you to correct the name, and Qimage ignores files with meaningless extensions such as .ghjkl (and other none image file extensions, of course, as it should).

Always using the old dos (3 letter) extension, assigned to the correct file format is the safest way, for the time being, as you've found out.  Wink

I don't use IE, but it doesn't surprise me that it tries to do something clever, without giving you a choice in the matter.  Sad

Best wishes,

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 12:54:49 PM »

Since you are the only one having this problem, this is starting to stink like an AV program or some other utility interfering.  You might want to turn off all anti-malware programs and see if that changes things.  If that doesn't work, try Help, Reset All Program Settings in QU and try again.  After doing that, if you still have trouble, I can guarantee the trouble is not coming from QU.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2011, 04:36:53 PM »

Oh well.  At least I can rename the JPEG file, or process it to a JPG in Photoshop CS5 in order for QU to see it and open in it in its viewer.

Oddly, I can also drag-and-drop the JPEG image into QU from Windows Explorer and it will open the file in the Print Window too and I can double-click on it and work with it,  just it refuses to show the thumbnail in the View window along with the Template thumbnail there.

Tried rebuilding/resetting QU too and no joy.  Drag-and-Drop works on JPEG though, just no thumbnails.


Here's a screenshot of the 'Drag-and-Drop' of a JPEG into QU.  You can see the image and its "Info" (I clicked it ON) in the Print Window and it shows it being a JPEG extension, just nothing in the Template side where the JPG image is.


« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 04:50:37 PM by Mack » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 01:39:10 PM »

Based on that, I can confirm that the file system is not operating correctly on your system.  QU is asking Windows for *.jpg and *.jpe and your Windows OS is not returning .jpeg files as it should.  Nothing I can do about a broken OS.  That's why I asked you to type *.jpe as the filter in Windows Explorer: it is supposed to return files with a jpeg extension under that criteria but for whatever reason (messed up OS, interfering AV program, whatever), your OS is not doing what it should.  At that point (when I know it isn't QU), it's out of my hands.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2011, 12:12:09 AM »

Based on that, I can confirm that the file system is not operating correctly on your system.  QU is asking Windows for *.jpg and *.jpe and your Windows OS is not returning .jpeg files as it should.  Nothing I can do about a broken OS.  That's why I asked you to type *.jpe as the filter in Windows Explorer: it is supposed to return files with a jpeg extension under that criteria but for whatever reason (messed up OS, interfering AV program, whatever), your OS is not doing what it should.  At that point (when I know it isn't QU), it's out of my hands.

Mike, if you read the first sentence at the top of page 2 (this page), my typing *.JPE does return the images with the *.JPEG extension.  There's a screenshot too showing that too.  That Search part is okay.

If I type or Search *.JPG in Explorer, Windows does not show the *.JPEG files as it should not, but it shows the JPG files correctly.

So if all other imaging programs I have run and work with either *.JPEG or *.JPG image files except for QU, then it is the OS at fault?  Really?  If I can drag-and-drop a *.JPEG into QU then it opens it in the Print Side only and allows me to process it if I double-click it, but it refuses to show in the Viewer or Template pane then it is the OS at fault?  If so, then 5 other programs including Widows Preview and Explorer shouldn't work either.

I'm sorry, but 5 other image programs are showing both the JPG or JPEG image here, just not QU for some reason.  I'm wondering if it some bug in QU since the implementation of RAW processing where the JPEG/JPG is hidden in the RAW/NEF and not showing or reading the image in the template or view side.

Five other working imaging programs says yours is wrong.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2011, 01:03:46 PM »

There are plenty of things on a system that can affect one program and not others, AV/AM software being one possibility.  You never really came out and said that you turned those off and tried it, but I guess you did.  One thing is absolutely certain: when QU asks for *.jpe files, your Windows OS is not returning the *.jpeg files TO QIMAGE ULTIMATE as it should.  That's why I had you check the *.jpe search: to prove to you that the system is supposed to return *.jpeg files under that search yet when QU does it, something (on your system, and yes it is unique to your system) is blocking the files from the QU executable.  Let's look at this from another perspective.

We have five people in this one thread who have confirmed it works on their system, two of which have posted screen shots to prove it showing the *.jpeg files in the thumbnails.  So I am to believe that QU is at fault when your machine is the only one having the problem and it works for everyone else?  I even had you reset QU to defaults via the Help menu to be sure you didn't have any corrupted setting that could be affecting it.  And the fact that you can drag a file into the queue proves that it is a file handling error which is occurring only on your system.  At that point, we are down to just the facts: QU asks the OS for a *.jpe search and the OS is not returning *.jpeg files.  Sorry, when the OS doesn't do it's job, that's not my problem.  Fix the system, and you fix the problem.

Here's another idea: use "Utilities", "Explore Current Folder" while you are in that folder in QU and see if the *.jpeg files show up there.  I'm guessing they will (because there is no search criteria).  Then type *.jpe in THAT Windows Explorer box.  If it still shows them OK, then we know you have a utility on your system that is singling QU out and blocking *.jpeg files from it.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 01:07:31 PM by Mike Chaney » Logged
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