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Author Topic: Bug report? Special Sizes settings not sticky even when "permanent" in one case  (Read 3236 times)
Posts: 14

« on: August 25, 2024, 02:22:34 PM »

I frequently use the Special Sizes dialog box, and expect my settings to be permanent.
Usually they are when I have checked "Permanently".  But not in one case:

If I "Specify one dimension" and "This is the paper border",
I find that my auto-crop setting of OFF is always reset to ON after one image is added to the queue.
I.e., it is as if my "Permanently" is ignored.

I work around this by specifying both dimensions, which I can make work with a little calculation.

There may be other times the crop is changed, but this is the one I have repeatedly observed (and forgotten, until my picture is cropped...)
I am using 2024.102.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2024, 08:46:02 PM »

TLDR: I hope you're not bringing up that sizing dialog every time you want to set your paper border?  Set it once and then add as many thumbs as you like.  Each time you open the dialog, you start over and the default cropping is ON.

I'm not seeing a problem.  When you select "This is the paper border", the default cropping is ON because that's the only way you are going to get the specified border on all four sides.  If you set the crop to OFF instead, it remains off until you bring up the dialog again.

So, if you select "More" sizes, "One dimension", "This is the paper border", and you turn crop OFF, when you exit that dialog you'll notice crop is off on the main window and you are now set in that mode: paper border with crop off.  You can add as many images as you like by clicking the "+" button on thumbnails and crop remains off "permanently".  It only turns on again if you select "More", "Specify ond dimension", "This is the paper border" and you open that dialog again from scratch (which is unnecessary).  At that point, the crop defaults back to ON because you are starting over and again, ON is the only way to truly make the same (specified) border on all 4 sides of the paper.

Posts: 14

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2024, 03:24:33 PM »


Thanks for the reply.   I understand that the default cropping is ON.   But when I switch it to OFF, *and* use "This is the paper border", the prints are properly bordered.
But the next time I bring up that dialog (e.g. to check later in a long session that I haven't changed anything), cropping is set to ON.   

I think you're telling me this is the way it is supposed to work.
So I just have to be careful that whenever I bring up that dialog, I change it back to what I want.

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