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Author Topic: Building a new Rig - where should I focus for fastest Qimage experience  (Read 12301 times)
Posts: 43

« on: July 14, 2020, 08:02:53 PM »


First: huge Qimage fan and customer for the last 2.5 years.  I retired my use of RIPs because Qimage is so good.

I am currently running a 1st gen Ryzen rig with an Nvidia GeForce 1080ti.  I find that processing my images (example clicking the radius and amount boxes in the image edit screen) can be slow with delays.  Click, wait, click wait.

Since I am building a new Rig:
- should I focus on the processor, the GPU, or both?
-Any advantage of Intel vs. AMD, or Radeon vs. Nvidia?
-I know that Qimage can leverage multiple cores, but does it mean the GPU is not a concern?

Note I am asking here for both the Qimage SW developer perspective  and the Qimage  user perspective. Note that my current rig runs fast for Photoshop, capture one, and any other SW in my process/print pipeline. However, I believe they use the GPU.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 08:04:29 PM by loganross » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2020, 09:07:58 PM »

GPU is not a concern for Qimage.  Qimage will use 4 cores to process sharpening in the editor so not much difference between Intel and AMD there.  In fact, first gen Ryzen is pretty good so you probably won't get a whole lot of gain there.  Where you will see an improvement is thumbnail building and print processing in particular since Qimage can use 12 cores for those.  So an AMD with 12 or 24 cores will print and process thumbnails faster than something like an 8 core Intel.

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