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Author Topic: Camera and Lens Profiles  (Read 6435 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« on: August 26, 2017, 04:05:55 PM »

In another post, I read the following:  "Your camera model will find the correct profile when you open raw images. Just hover your mouse over the raw thumbnail, and you will see the camera profile color space tagged on to your image information in the hot bar."

My main camera is an Olympus PEN-F, but I also still use a Nikon D7000.  For both, the EXIF Hot Bar shows "ICC: adobe.icm".  Looking in the QU profiles directory (ddisoftware\Qimage\profiles), I noticed that there is no camera profile for the PEN-F, but there is a file named PEN-F_ORF.qsn.  I also noticed that there was no camera profile for the Nikon D7000.  (Color space in both cameras is set to adobe.)

I've come across rants elsewhere about how Olympus isn't very forthcoming with their proprietary file format data, which might tend to hamper things.  And I didn't find any lens profiles.

So are lens and camera profiles still relevant in QU for raw processing?  If they are, is there anything a non-techie can do to assist in developing them?  Send EXIF data (exiftool), or pix of the "secret sauce"?  Or should I just go back to sleep and pretend I'm just dreaming this matter?  ;~)


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 08:24:31 PM »

My main camera is an Olympus PEN-F, but I also still use a Nikon D7000.  For both, the EXIF Hot Bar shows "ICC: adobe.icm".  Looking in the QU profiles directory (ddisoftware\Qimage\profiles), I noticed that there is no camera profile for the PEN-F, but there is a file named PEN-F_ORF.qsn.  I also noticed that there was no camera profile for the Nikon D7000.  (Color space in both cameras is set to adobe.

Hi George, we meet again.

First of all  when I check for camera profiles, I find one for each of your cameras.
The Olympus and the Nikon.
See screen snaps.
Next, have you checked to see that you have the box checked to give permission to use the Custom Profile?
That should make it all work.

The secret sauce is posting here and have everyone see what you are doing and why. Everyone learns.

PS I learn too. The other day, one gentleman asked about copy / paste into the floating text.
I knew there was a way, but I forgot. It forced me to find my way back.

Fred Fred
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 09:52:03 PM »

Hi George, we meet again.

Your bad luck?   Cheesy

First of all  when I check for camera profiles, I find one for each of your cameras.
The Olympus and the Nikon.
See screen snaps.
Next, have you checked to see that you have the box checked to give permission to use the Custom Profile?
That should make it all work.

Yes!  I did so provide such permission.  I was going to make a screen cap and post it, but it is identical to yours.

The only "Olympus PEN-F" CM files on my machine are:
Olympus PEN-F Adobe Standard.dcp
Olympus PEN-F Camera Monotone.dcp
Olympus PEN-F Camera Muted.dcp
Olympus PEN-F Camera Natural.dcp
Olympus PEN-F Camera Portrait.dcp

... all in the \ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\ directory.

Where would the QU camera profiles be?  I found your EOS 50D profile, and a few for older Oly cameras, and several Nikon models (D70, older than D7000; D750, newer).  And as I wrote, I did find "PEN-F_ORF.qsn" but it's just a tiny text file. 

And if they are on my machine, shouldn't they show in my EXIF Hot Bar, instead of just adobe.icm?

See why I'm so confused?

PS I learn too. The other day, one gentleman asked about copy / paste into the floating text.
I knew there was a way, but I forgot. It forced me to find my way back.

I know:  I copy & pasted that "how-to copy & paste" into my QU notes.

I'm starting to wonder if there's more than one of you!  And/or whether you ever sleep?

Whatever it is, keep on doing it.

Continuing thanks,


p.s.-- Stay tuned, I have another query coming up.

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2017, 08:45:42 AM »

I'm starting to wonder if there's more than one of you!  And/or whether you ever sleep?

I do have to apologize.
I was looking at the wrong list. I was looking at the list of supported camera; the ones that QU handles the RAWs perfectly.
Farther down in that list, are the cameras for which actual camera icm filters were created.
Your cameras are not on that list.

Somewhere, there's a HOW TO file on how to take the target shot and send it to Mike.
I'll look into that.

On the qsn file, See challenge # 80.


** PS I have been searchingh for camera profile target shooting instructions, but no luck.
I am sure I remember Terry doing that when he got his new Canon REBEL. Hopefully he still has the instructions. I just Skype texted him.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 09:22:07 AM by Fred A » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2017, 06:03:55 PM »

Hi Fred,

No apologies needed.  And thanks for the extra effort on the profile info.

And yes, Challenge #80 is excellent.  Not just for .qsn files, but the sharpening info is also good.  (Another Challenge that should have a mainstream reference -- like here!  Wink )


[EDIT / UPDATE]  Just stumbled across the post in a http://ddisoftware.com/tech/cameras/new-camera-profiles.  I'll contact Mike directly. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 02:13:47 AM by JustGeorge » Logged

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
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