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Author Topic: Camera profile  (Read 8254 times)
Posts: 5

« on: October 19, 2013, 12:18:31 AM »

I am a long time user of Qimage Studio and I have just upgraded to Ultimate and am most impressed so far.  One question in regards to raw processing and that is my current camera is a Canon EOS 6D which shows up as being supported in your specs but can't find it in the Qimage profile folder on my hard drive.  In Preferences/Raw Image Options, although there is a X against Camera specific settings, when you click on the folder, it is empty.  Does Qimage use the EXIF info to assign a profile when processing?  I generally download the photos from my camera directly to Lightroom 5 and convert them to DNG in the process.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2013, 09:30:13 AM »

I am a long time user of Qimage Studio and I have just upgraded to Ultimate and am most impressed so far.  One question in regards to raw processing and that is my current camera is a Canon EOS 6D which shows up as being supported in your specs but can't find it in the Qimage profile folder on my hard drive.  In Preferences/Raw Image Options, although there is a X against Camera specific settings, when you click on the folder, it is empty.  Does Qimage use the EXIF info to assign a profile when processing?  I generally download the photos from my camera directly to Lightroom 5 and convert them to DNG in the process.

Welcome to  Ultimate.... you will really enjoy what it can do and how easily.
Let's get one item out of the way: Camera Specific Settings!
This is a place where you would store specific settings of the Amount of Noise Reduction, base sharpening, and the settings in the RAW Preferences for specific cameras...
So if you had two or three cameras, you could save customized settings for each.
Qimage would apply the correct setting when it saw what camera it was working.

Next item. Camera profiles!
These have to be created.  Mike has a special instruction email which he will send you if you are interested in helping to create the custom camera profile by taking a few RAW shots of a target.
Then email them to Mike, or create the profile yourself using Profile Prism.
Your camera is very new.
Maybe another 6D user will pop in soon and help out.
In the meantime, Qimage will open your Raw images in Adobe color space.

That Profile folder is where you would place your camera profile.

Last item.... Try using Flash Card Copy Move to move your images from your card to the Hard drive....
I don't know what Lightroom does to the conversion to DNG with regard to any changes and embedding color space perhaps.
Going right into the hard drive and opening the images in CR2 mode (as I suspect the Raw file designation) in Qimage, ensures you get a clean copy to work on.

Hope some of this helps,

Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2013, 11:09:31 AM »

Thanks for the quick reply, Fred and that has answered my questions.  Might get Mike to send me the instructions for creating a profile.
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