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Author Topic: Camera specific profiles for raw images  (Read 13262 times)
Posts: 23

« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2017, 08:10:58 PM »

I'm old and slow.
So let me try this:
1. Modify raw settings as desired.
2. Save under name provided by Qimage (is my camera)
3. Rebuild thumbs to see changes
4. In future Qimage will use the modified .qsn file without manual intervention
Posts: 23

« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2017, 08:58:22 PM »

BTW when I changed and saved the Raw settings and then reloaded that file by name it did not restore the settinsettings I made. I wasn't looking at the thumbnails, just the Raw parameter window.:

1. Bring up raw prefs
2. Modify one or more items
3. Save under name.qsn
4. Modify some prefs in window
5. Reload saved prefs
6. Saved prefs are not restored-as if edits had no effect.

Am confused once more.

Fred A
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« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2017, 09:03:03 PM »

I'm old and slow.
So let me try this:
1. Modify raw settings as desired.
2. Save under name provided by Qimage (is my camera)
3. Rebuild thumbs to see changes
4. In future Qimage will use the modified .qsn file without manual intervention

I am older and slower.
You have it correct.
I have one caveat to offer based on others before you.
These raw pre settings are just that. Pre settings. If you try to adjust the settings to cope with individual images, you will be doing overkill and a disservice to your images.  This a basic setting sothe initial image looks reasoably good. As Terry pointed out the adaptive Noise Reduction and the set once sharpening are all you adjust based on teh lens and the camera sensor's noise.

Yes on future use. That is another point well taken, Jim.  The qsn will be opened and the settings used from it without a ripple. You wont see it open. It will not come to the fore front.  It works in the backgound.
The name of the qsn file is usually taken from the selected thumb' exif. It is not arbitrary. It must be an exact match.
It looks like you are good to go.
Terry might have more to help. But he is in the UK. Must wait for tomorrow.
Posts: 23

« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2017, 09:07:38 PM »

Thanks for your trouble.
Eventually I will get it.
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