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Author Topic: Can't delete or move installer  (Read 5314 times)
Posts: 3

« on: January 10, 2020, 03:51:59 PM »

Had same problem with demo.  Only way to delete installer was to uninstall software, reboot, then delete.

 Now have purchased QI and have same problem.  Message says qimage currently in use so can't delete or move.  It isn't in use, nothing shows in sys logs, and event viewer doesn't show anything running.  Have even rebooted to be sure still get this message.

New laptop, I7, 16GB, 750gb space and I am an administrator.  Permissions on file are allow everyone R/W access.

How do I delete this file from my desktop ( stored there at download)?   This is only software doing this to me.  Frustrating.  Just want a clean computer space.

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 04:32:46 PM »

Just to be clear, this isn't affecting your ability to run Qimage, correct?  The problem is that you can't delete the install file?

You might try downloading to a different location and then re-install from there. FWIW, I always download to the Downloads folder and run from there. 
Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2020, 04:37:56 PM »

Program runs just fine, just as the demo did.  It just won't allow me to remove the installer once finished.

Downloading to the downloads or any other folder cleans the desktop but tdtill akes up unneeded storage.  This is not only a photo editing/printing machine but my video editing station so I want to try and keep it as clean as I can.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2020, 06:28:56 PM »

There are two possible causes for this:

(1) You installed the software with another user account (potentially an admin account) and then switched to a regular (non-admin) user to run it after installation.  That can cause files to be "owned" by Administrator and you may not be able to delete them as a regular user, however switching to an Admin account may let you delete the file(s).  The best way to install is to install as the regular user and elevate that user's rights to admin during install.

(2) Your anti-virus software opened the install EXE and did not close it.

Qimage (and it's installer) is very "clean" in that it installs no services that try to run after you close the program, nor does it modify any aspect of your system other than writing registry entries that are used for storing parameters (and those are limited to the Qimage-U registry branch).  So when something like this happens, something other than Qimage is preventing you from deleting the file.

Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2020, 07:56:57 PM »


New machine, I am the only user(admin rights).  never had this happen before

Was going to write a power shell script to investigate  but thought I would poke around a bit first. Opened a command prompt.

Cacls reported everyone had read access but all others ( myself, system, etc) had full access.   Granted full access to everyone, deleted the file ( as myself-admin) but it still sat on the desktop.

Rebooted the system ( magic pill in windows it seems) and the file was gone after the restart.  Strange.

Just wanted to thank Mike and others for the pointers and help.  Now- off to print some photos!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2020, 03:33:57 AM »

Thanks for reporting what you found.  I had one other user about a week ago with a similar problem: also with the installer on the desktop.  Maybe Windows does something "special" when the installer is run from the desktop.  I'll have to investigate that further.  The latest Windows update may have changed something as I've never heard of this problem until a week ago.

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