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Author Topic: Can't start Qimage  (Read 11425 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« on: February 16, 2017, 09:44:10 AM »

I cant seem to be able to start up QI...
v 17-119
the splash screen comes up and then I get a message that Qimage Ultimate has stopped working
click close program
then a box pops ups saying Exception EDivByZero in module Qimage.exe at 0079AE32 Division by zero

so I've just install v17.104 (as that was the oldest install file I had here) and it seems to start up fine.

running win10

any ideas???
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 09:55:13 AM »

I cant seem to be able to start up QI...
v 17-119
the splash screen comes up and then I get a message that Qimage Ultimate has stopped working
click close program
then a box pops ups saying Exception EDivByZero in module Qimage.exe at 0079AE32 Division by zero

so I've just install v17.104 (as that was the oldest install file I had here) and it seems to start up fine.

running win10

any ideas???

My first try would be to down load a fresh copy  of 119, with Anti Virus turned off, and reinstall 119 with your Anti Virus turned off.

They all have somewhere that will allow you to set a 10 minute "postpone" or off period.
See screen snap.
If that doesn't fix it, (it should), then pass on any information you can add to recreate or present a clue.
Anything else running?
Had you run 119 successfully at all?
The printer is recognized? Had you reinstalled or installed a printer?

Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 12:21:40 PM »

Hello Fred
Just finished the printing jobs that I needed to get done and have followed your instructions...

Turned off anti virus (in my case Avast) and downloaded a fresh copy - then installed that.
turned Avast back on.

all seems to be working with v17 119 now Smiley

answers to your questions in the interest of thoroughness -
~ nothing else was running - well nothing big like photoshop that might be resource hungry for instance.
~ I hadn't been able to run v17 119 successfully at all
~ I'd not reinstalled or installed any printers.

v17 117 was the last version that was running ok

Thanks for your help!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2017, 02:27:14 PM »

Thanks for your help!

OK John,
So now when you see a post with a similar problem, tell him what worked for you...

Glad it worked.
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2017, 09:23:51 PM »

Just for the record, I use Avast (free - I'm Scottish) and never have any issues downloading Qimage.  However, there was a time when Avast insisted on checking Qimage for malware, but in a few seconds the download was allowed to proceed.  It doesn't do this check now.

Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 09:41:50 AM »

OK, seems it didn't sort the problem out...

I've not used QI for a week and I've just started it up and I have the original problem back - the splash screen comes up and then the message box saying qimage has stopped working (see my original post for the full details).

I've not tried anything yet like re-installing or installing an older version.

Anyone got any ideas???
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2017, 10:23:07 AM »

I've not used QI for a week and I've just started it up and I have the original problem back - the splash screen comes up and then the message box saying qimage has stopped working (see my original post for the full details).

Hi John,
Sorry the problem is back.
I see if I can ask Mike for some better ideas.
In the meantime, recheck something to do with your printer(s).
The reason is that the first operation is for QU to check for a valid printer. Finding none;
It should reset  to some default non existing printer like Microsoft XPS writer.
So even if a printer is messed up, it should start.
I can recall when a messed up driver would send a mixed response to QU.

Try starting Qimage while Holding the Shift key down. That should start a default copy of QU. (It may take two tries)
Next click HELP and reset Printer. That will reset your printer (as shown in Qimage) to the default settings in DEVICES AND PRINTERS.
My QU reverts to Print to File when I start with Shift Key down.
Look through Devices and Printers and see if there is something that doesn't belong, or is a remnant of an old driver.

I will try to get Mike to suggest better ideas.


Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2017, 11:01:32 AM »

so this is what I've now tried...

Reinstalled v17.119 - still wouldn't start
shut everything else down like outlook, firefox ect. - still wouldn't start
restarted the pooter - still wouldn't start
Reinstalled v17.119 - still wouldn't start
reinstalled v17.119 with avast turned off - still wouldn't start
downloaded v17.119 and installed that with avast turned off - still wouldn't start

Installed v17.104 - has worked! (FYI avast is turned on)
Installed v17.119 - wouldn't start
Start Qimage while holding down shift - has worked and has also worked several times after.

I don't think avast is the problem here.

I need to get some printing done now but I will test what happens after a pooter restart.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2017, 11:04:21 AM »

I don't think avast is the problem here.
Neither do I and that's why I suggested starting QU with shift key; although, you said a reinstall without avast running, fixed it last time...
The restart worked and now when you have time, slowly reset your thumbs etc to where you were.
Try to avoid using  saved printer or Job setups until we get it running properly.
Then load a setup one at a time until it messes up. Unlock the padlock on startup in case the faulty printer file is contained in the restart default.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 11:16:36 AM by Fred A » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 71

« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2017, 12:30:26 PM »

thanks Fred...
I'll see how it goes

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