Title: Can Qimage help me with Word docs? Post by: CHoffman on October 06, 2020, 11:17:29 PM I often do MS Word documents with a lot of embedded photos. Is there any path that lets me print those docs with Qimage and take advantage of the better color management and such? I assume any such method would work with Powerpoint and other programs?
Title: Re: Can Qimage help me with Word docs? Post by: Fred A on October 07, 2020, 09:54:33 AM Hi,
Quote I often do MS Word documents with a lot of embedded photos. Is there any path that lets me print those docs with Qimage and take advantage of the better color management and such? I assume any such method would work with Powerpoint and other programs? The only thing I can think of would be if you were able in WORD to export the document as a JPG. Then print.Fred Title: Re: Can Qimage help me with Word docs? Post by: CHoffman on October 07, 2020, 03:21:18 PM That's sort of what I was thinking, but I have to see how well text/fonts come out. I also don't know if the original image parameters get passed through Word, or if it does something strange. I wonder if there's some common file format that both Word and Qimage understand that would be better than jpg or tiff? Will investigate further.
Thanks! Title: Re: Can Qimage help me with Word docs? Post by: BrianPrice on October 08, 2020, 10:24:05 AM Hi
You can export the word document as a PDF, then open it in Photoshop or Affinity and 'Save As' a .tif or .jpg, or use the QI plug-in. Brian P |