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Author Topic: Cannot move a print in freehand mode or entering dimensions in Print Location  (Read 3465 times)
Posts: 1

« on: October 01, 2020, 01:42:50 PM »

The prints will not move closer to the top of the page than 13m in Full page Editor. I have tried drag and drop and also entering a number small than 13mm in the print location area.

I am using an Epson 7800, QU v2020.123, I have a paper size set to user defined (432mmx216mm). I am trying to print 2 images sized 191mmx181mm side by side with equall sized vertical borders (12.5mm), a 12.5mm top border and a 23mm bottom border, then I want to save this as a custom layout for future print jobs.

why is 13mm the smallest top gap between image and edge paper I can set?
why does description at the top of the screen not match the set paper size?

One thing I notice is that the at the top of the page it shows "Page 1/1: 426x200.0mm.(360x360)" the dimensions in this description do not mathc what I have entered in the Drive and show up in the QU Printers and Settings area if te screen, is this a clue/related?

Thanks in advance

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 03:33:34 PM »

13mm sounds like the non-printable margin enforced by the driver.  If you go to Edit, Preferences, Print and Page Formatting, Page Margins, you can see the non-printable margins set by the driver: no software can "override" those since the driver itself will not print outside of those margins.  Just make sure on that margin dialog, the "additional" margins are all zero (they should be unless you entered something different).  Then you can be sure that you can print all the way to the driver enforced margins.

The size you entered (432 x 216) is the paper size.  The 426x200 that you are referencing (shown above the live view) is the page size: the size of the printable page which would be your 432 x 216 minus the driver enforced margins from above.  If you are printing on a roll, you could just enter a paper size of 438 x 232 to give yourself a little more room considering the driver margins and you'd be able to print the sizes you want, but note that the margins will still be set by the driver and those can't be changed by software.  The only way to change those would be to try other options in the driver like borderless (no margins) printing mode.

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