Your suggestion to use the print queue is a nice one but needs color management in the Comparator, Softproof is no selectable feature there. Is that correct?
Colour management is applied in the comparator but as you say, it's not possible to soft proof.
BUT... it can be done. Using Terry's suggestion where you use custom color management settings for the print, put two prints on the page and set the custom color management settings for each print. Set the size of the print so that both prints take up about half the page (they are as large as possible on the page for easier viewing). Then go to the full page editor and click the "Soft Proof" button. You'll then see a soft proof of both prints on the same page, under the different profiles/intents. IMO, that's even better than side-by-side because you get to see what the soft proofs look like on the paper-white.
Mike + Terry, nice, that works. The profile settings quoted then in the Edit Page window are for the last image added in the queue, selecting the earlier one does not change that. Minor issue. Now I have to see which page settings + image sizes give the largest display of the images.
Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst 2016 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots