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Author Topic: Color Management issue Windows 7 + QU  (Read 6421 times)
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« on: February 28, 2015, 02:35:16 PM »

Repeat job.
Several times (2012-2014) printed on the old system Vista + QU + QU CM on, German Etching paper + profile, Perceptual (+BPC), HP Z3200 driver set at Let app do CM. Kept a reference print.

Can not repeat that job and more alike with Windows 7 + QU + same settings. Posterization, magenta cast. Problem happens with several archived flattened Tiffs, sRGB color space still assigned in the files. Tried profiles of papers that come close, identical bad results. The log file that has been used with the old system was transferred to the new system, the settings at print time double checked. Profiles came from the old system too. The Z3200 was calibrated this week for that paper + media preset. At last printed the jobs from the old system that is much slower but delivered the right color.

However I can get identical good results with Photoline and Photoshop compared to the reference print with the same settings, same profile, Windows 7 + the Z3200 driver.
With QU CM off and driver CM on the result is also very close to the old reference print. Actually with both CMs not working the result is also close 8-) Which may raise the question that the old system may not have had its CM working either. Impossible given the jobs I have done over several years with at least 20 different papers. I think more that the images do not need much color adaption in CM in this case and QU CM could have an odd corruption in this W7 installation. Wonder what it is. No print filters active etc. Checked the sRGB color space as several versions exist but see no issue there. Reinstall QU is the next step on Monday if no better solution appears here.

Edit: also went back from V 118 to 112 (same as on the old system) and back again. No difference.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

December 2014 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 02:37:27 PM by Ernst Dinkla » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 03:03:29 PM »

If you are recalling a job from an old machine, it's possible that the printer driver settings that got saved with that job are not compatible with the driver on the new machine.  Try recalling the job and after the job has been recalled, click the printer setup button, choose a different printer from the drop down, and then use the dropdown again to switch back to your Z3200.  That will reset the driver settings to defaults.  Then manually select all the driver properties as appropriate (try to manually get them close to what you had for that job - maybe look at the old computer to see) and click "OK".  Then print and see if that helps.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 04:56:10 PM »

If you are recalling a job from an old machine, it's possible that the printer driver settings that got saved with that job are not compatible with the driver on the new machine.  Try recalling the job and after the job has been recalled, click the printer setup button, choose a different printer from the drop down, and then use the dropdown again to switch back to your Z3200.  That will reset the driver settings to defaults.  Then manually select all the driver properties as appropriate (try to manually get them close to what you had for that job - maybe look at the old computer to see) and click "OK".  Then print and see if that helps.


Mike, thank you but that does not help either. Tried it 10 minutes ago and the same posterized print drops from the printer. I even let it process the image to the other printer, cut that process off and set up the Z3200 again.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

December 2014 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2015, 02:06:25 PM »

Reinstalled Qimage and I can at least recreate the old job's color now, could not get that with sensible settings in the earlier install. I still can get the wrong color too from a recall of one of last week's trials but can not see any difference between the two in settings, images and profiles used. Have to be careful now with any job recalled I think.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

December 2014 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots
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