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Author Topic: Colour issues  (Read 14238 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2017, 11:10:24 AM »

seems to be that the profile wasn't installed. I assumed that to since I could get access to the profile I didn't need to install it. All it took was a right click and install and everything seems to be fine.

Ben, we are happy the the problem is solved, but your explanation is not coming out clear.
INSTALLING only places the profile in the correct folder so you can select more easily.

If you had the correct profile selected in Qimage and saw it showing in SETTINGS, It would work.
See screen snap.
No matter  what folder the profile was located, if you selected it, and had the driver color off, it works.

Just curious for other new users to understand.....

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2017, 07:15:16 PM »

Hi Ben,
seems to be that the profile wasn't installed
When a profile is made, the software usually "installs" the profile automatically, ie. places it in the System32\Spool|drivers|Color folder .
Fred said:
If you had the correct profile selected in Qimage and saw it showing in SETTINGS, It would work.
In your first post your screen shot of your settings showed a profile called "CL 7900 matte 28.03.17.icm".
So was this the correct profile?
If so then colours should have been ok. and some other settings were not right.

Like Fred, Just curious for other new users to understand....

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2017, 07:27:58 PM »

While QU allows you to select a profile from anywhere, most other programs don't.  So I see a couple possibilities.  If it wasn't "installed", QU could use it but PS can't... so maybe no profile (or a different profile) was being used in PS, causing a discrepancy between QU and PS.  The only other thing that can happen here is that some printers (drivers) allow you to associate certain profiles with certain papers in the driver.  If you have QU set to "Let printer/driver manage color" and you expect the driver to be using the correct profile internally, it won't if it isn't "installed".

That's all I can think of.

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