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Author Topic: Configuring PC with SSD  (Read 13870 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« on: October 31, 2012, 06:45:13 AM »

Yesterday I took delivery of a fast multi core PC that has a 128 gig SSD and internal 1Tb hard drive. I'll be running it with a 2Tb external drive linked by USB as fitting the 2Tb internally would challenge the warranty.

At the moment the PC has all the software on the SSD and my most frequently accessed images on the internal 1Tb. Less frequently used images are on the external 2Tb.

So far about two thirds of the SSD are empty. I wondered if I would benefit if I created an area on that drive to hold my folders of recently downloaded images. These are the ones that will receive the heaviest attention of Q Ultimate. Once I get them sorted and produce printable jpgs. I could then move the folders to the appropriate spinning drive. I would still be able to access them, but these will the folders I work on less often, of course.

I have yet to try to see if there is any speed benefit but I'm guessing there ought to be.

Two questions. Assuming there is some speed benefit are there any downside factors such as wear on the SSD.

Second question. How to I get QU to move the folders from the SSD to the appropriate HDD retaining all the necessary filters and links? I have seen Fred refer to a 'migrate' utility but, looking at it, I don't think this is what it is there for.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 08:07:59 AM »

Hi Tony,
Assuming there is some speed benefit are there any downside factors such as wear on the SSD
Since I heard you were getting a new PC I did a bit of "Googling" on the use of SSD's. It does seem that SSD's do a have lifespan dependant on the number of writes. It will also depend on how much spare space there is on the SSD, more the better to minimise the density of writes.
I suggest you Google SSD lifespan but I found these items yesterday:
Bear in mind that the QU thumbnail and raw cache will always be on the SSD (Application data) and needs managing from time to time. QU has a utility to do this.

How to I get QU to move the folders from the SSD to the appropriate HDD retaining all the necessary filters and links? I have seen Fred refer to a 'migrate' utility but, looking at it, I don't think this is what it is there for.
You are right, migration is to move the program application data to another directory or drive.
QU has a great facility called "Flash card Copy/Move" (FCCM) to do exactly what you require. I suggest the following:
Use FCCM to copy new images from your card to the SSD, Internal HDD and external HDD (as backup). Re-name with FCCM as they are copied as required. See 1st screen shot below which shows to C-drive and an external drive.
The folder structure on all 3 drives should set up to be the same.

When you are ready to clear the SSD and update internal & external HDD use FCCM to do it in Update mode.
See the 2nd screen shot where I have browsed to the SOURCE folder; the sub folders also get recognised & copied
My next post has the remaining screen shots for the rest of the process.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 08:14:14 AM »

Flash card copy/move Update mode part 2 (see previous post)
See screen shots attached.
First shows what you get when Update is clicked, browse to the destination folder.
The last screen shot shows the options for updating; I use all files. FCCM will skip any identical files so there is no disadvantage to using "all".

Hope that helps  Wink

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 09:31:58 AM »

Thanks Terry,

I've got about an hour 'play time' before I need to go out.

I'll experiment with your suggestions and also do some timing to see if the SSD is quicker when it also holds the images.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2012, 06:43:04 AM »


"also do some timing to see if the SSD is quicker when it also holds the images."

Got round to it yesterday with an 85 image folder.

The time to create thumbnails and the raw cache was almost identical on the SSD and the HDD.

Odd (?) but true.

I can see the benefits of having two versions of the folders so I'll retain the workflow - but it ain't going to make it any faster, sadly.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2012, 09:19:54 AM »

The time to create thumbnails and the raw cache was almost identical on the SSD and the HDD
Creating thumbs and cache is processor dependant rather than on memory write speed.
My PC shop installed a utility to boost my speed, see screen shot below. I went from 3.1GHz to 3.5Ghz but I do monitor processor temperatures too with a desktop widget. Video processing is far more demanding that QU.
My speed tests did show a useful improvement in cache times. When I got my new 18Mpix 600D, the time difference was noticeable compared to the 8Mpix 350D but I soon got used to it. I wouldn't want to do raw in any other way; other programs seems to have their own disadvantages.
Have you tried off-loading a memory card to the different drives to see if there's a significant difference?
PS. now added screen shot.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 09:35:21 AM by Terry-M » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2012, 09:55:28 AM »

Interesting booster Terry.

As my machine was new last Tuesday I am reluctant to put anything like that on it at the moment. However, I will email Computer Doctors to see what they know about it or have as alternatives.

No, I have not tried loading from my camera card to the two drives yet and comparing times. When I loaded yesterday to the HDD from the inbuild card reader it did look slow but maybe I am getting too used to other things happening much faster.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2012, 11:41:06 AM »

I am reluctant to put anything like that on it at the moment.
I think that's wise; my PC builder installed the utility after the PC was almost a year old while they were checking, funnily enough, hard drive transfer rates. They upgraded to BIO too.
When I loaded yesterday to the HDD from the in built card reader it did look slow
Did you use QU Flash card copy/Move/ That is as fast as you'll get? It seems to have a better "engine" than the standard Windows copy/move.
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