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Author Topic: Creating and editing Layouts  (Read 6725 times)
Posts: 30

« on: September 05, 2019, 06:32:47 AM »

I want to create a Layout file similar to others that came with the program. When I load one of those, I see that its "placeholders" for images can be moved manually or deleted. I can open the layout in QU's editing window and make changes there if need be.

When I create a page and use the Prints tab to add "placeholders" for images, then save to a Layout, the result when re-opened in QU contains "placeholders" that cannot be moved or deleted. QU won't open it in the editing window, either. So, the first question: What are the steps to make a layout that's editable?

The current goal: An 8x10 page (vertical) containing two 4x5 "placeholders" (horizontal). I'll set the margins and distance between the images manually when I'm ready to print-to-file. (Right now that's my primary use for QU: printing to files that will be uploaded to a mail-order printing service.)

When I select the desired page size and select a 4x5 image size, QU places four 4x5 "placeholders" onto the page. I see that I can restrict the number of images to 2 by clicking the "rotate" button and rotating the "placeholders" to horizontal. The change from 4 images per page to 2 happens automatically. 2nd question: There must be a way to specify how many images ("placeholders") you want per page. How is it done?

Or, maybe handle it by deleting the unwanted ones. But initially after selecting an image size in the "Prints" tab, I am getting whatever QU thinks is the right number and placement and I can't figure out how to delete any unwanted "placeholders."
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2019, 09:13:10 AM »

I want to create a Layout file similar to others that came with the program. When I load one of those, I see that its "placeholders" for images can be moved manually or deleted. I can open the layout in QU's editing window and make changes there if need be.

When I create a page and use the Prints tab to add "placeholders" for images, then save to a Layout, the result when re-opened in QU contains "placeholders" that cannot be moved or deleted. QU won't open it in the editing window, either. So, the first question: What are the steps to make a layout that's editable?

The current goal: An 8x10 page (vertical) containing two 4x5 "placeholders" (horizontal). I'll set the margins and distance between the images manually when I'm ready to print-to-file. (Right now that's my primary use for QU: printing to files that will be uploaded to a mail-order printing service.)

When I select the desired page size and select a 4x5 image size, QU places four 4x5 "placeholders" onto the page. I see that I can restrict the number of images to 2 by clicking the "rotate" button and rotating the "placeholders" to horizontal. The change from 4 images per page to 2 happens automatically. 2nd question: There must be a way to specify how many images ("placeholders") you want per page. How is it done?

Or, maybe handle it by deleting the unwanted ones. But initially after selecting an image size in the "Prints" tab, I am getting whatever QU thinks is the right number and placement and I can't figure out how to delete any unwanted "placeholders."
When Qimage opens, depending on your default print size and your page size, it attemps to "show" you where you stand at the moment using black placeholders.
If you wish to create your own layout, similar to what comes with the program, use the last thumbnail  in the screen folder marked TEMPLATE>
These will be a reddish color "placeholder" You can manipulate them, size and resize like a print with fine accuracy in the Page editor or even on the main Live View screen. Then Save as a Layout.
To recall your layout, use the Print Tab, Custom, and Layout.

You can add text or info, and  it will recall that too
Posts: 30

« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2019, 04:26:13 PM »

When Qimage opens, depending on your default print size and your page size, it attemps to "show" you where you stand at the moment using black placeholders.
If you wish to create your own layout, similar to what comes with the program, use the last thumbnail  in the screen folder marked TEMPLATE>
These will be a reddish color "placeholder" You can manipulate them, size and resize like a print with fine accuracy in the Page editor or even on the main Live View screen. Then Save as a Layout.
To recall your layout, use the Print Tab, Custom, and Layout.
You can add text or info, and  it will recall that too

I opened the program just now. It restored a previously used 11x14 page size and a previously selected 4x5 print size. (Note: It is still in "print to file" mode.)

The 4x5 "placeholders" for images are located at the moment in an arrangement of Qimage's choosing. The label "Freehand" appears in the center.

The last 4x5 "placeholder" for an image, at the bottom of the page, has small thin left- and right-facing arrows at its left and right edges. These red arrows do not appear to be selectable or usable in any way via the mouse. (What is their purpose?)

Regarding "use the last thumbnail in the screen folder marked TEMPLATE>" — I don't see the word "template" on the screen. I've been searching all over the main window for it but cannot find it. Then I searched the menu system. Hovered the mouse over various icons and checked tool tips for "TEMPLATE". Not found so far. Where specifically is that?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2019, 05:22:06 PM »

Regarding "use the last thumbnail in the screen folder marked TEMPLATE>" — I don't see the word "template" on the screen. I've been searching all over the main window for it but cannot find it. Then I searched the menu system. Hovered the mouse over various icons and checked tool tips for "TEMPLATE". Not found so far. Where specifically is that?

see attached screen snap
Posts: 30

« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2019, 09:04:46 PM »

Thanks for that. The "Template" item was not in view during these sessions with the program, due to images in the thumbnails panel being above it.

Following your instructions I was able to create a template. Saving it doesn't seem to preserve the 8x10 page size I used when creating it. QU is defaulting to an 11x14 page size for print-to-file.
Is there a control to include the page size when saving the template and thus recall the page size later?
(But without including any particular images.)

In the Recall dialog, when I select "L" for Layout, I see a note reading:
Saved layouts can be used by clicking "Custom", "Layout" on the "Size" tab.
After puzzling over this for a while I realized that there seems to be an error in the note in the Recall dialog. The tab in question is named "Prints," not "Size." I wonder if this could be changed in an upcoming revision.

Is selecting "Prints > Custom > Layout" and then specifying a particular template/layout file functionally identical to (1) clicking the Recall icon at the top left of the main page, then (2) opening a particular template/layout file? It seems identical — but QU is a complex program and I don't want to make a wrong assumption.

I have observed something perplexing in the editing screen when there's more than one image per page. Once I've finished with the above questions I could ask about that...
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 09:06:33 PM by Romidar » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2019, 09:35:48 PM »

defaulting to an 11x14 page size for print-to-file.
• Is there a control to include the page size when saving the template and thus recall the page size later?
(But without including any particular images.)
Just save as a JOB. That saves everything. Paper size print size profile printer, and layouts
Open the JOB and it all returns. It will ask you if you want the images recalled too.

After puzzling over this for a while I realized that there seems to be an error in the note in the Recall dialog. The tab in question is named "Prints," not "Size." I wonder if this could be changed in an upcoming revision.
Recall has buttons for recalling various saved setups. THE P button saves Printer Setups including size. For example, I have saved for Ultra Luster paper, 13 x 19; A3' 8.5 x 11, 5 x7. Some I even saved twice with page orientation.
When I use the P button, In one click, I get my paper and printer, profile, and size, etc.

Saved layouts can be used by clicking "Custom", "Layout" on the "Size" tab.

Is selecting "Prints > Custom > Layout" and then specifying a particular template/layout file functionally identical to (1) clicking the Recall icon at the top left of the main page, then (2) opening a particular template/layout file? It seems identical — but QU is a complex program and I don't want to make a wrong assumption.
That's why the message above, and that's why I mentioned that access to layouts was done though the Print Custom button.
Editing Layouts is done from the Recall L button
Hope this helps.
Posts: 30

« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2019, 03:31:52 AM »

> Saved layouts can be used by clicking "Custom", "Layout" on the "Size" tab.

As I understand it now, the sequence including the full names of the UI elements in question:

1. In the main window, click the Prints tab to display the list of image sizes.
2. In the list of sizes, click Custom to open the Special Sizes dialog.
3. In that dialog, within the Sizing Method column, select LAYOUT.
4. Click OK.

Qimage then displays the current list of layouts. The Special Sizes dialog refers to both layouts and page sets and the file/open dialog refers to them as page sets — files with the extension ".tpl". (On the other hand, In Qimage's Recall dialog, these files are referred to only as layouts)

« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 03:36:05 AM by Romidar » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2019, 10:44:25 AM »

1. In the main window, click the Prints tab to display the list of image sizes.
2. In the list of sizes, click Custom to open the Special Sizes dialog.
3. In that dialog, within the Sizing Method column, select LAYOUT.
4. Click OK.

Qimage then displays the current list of layouts. The Special Sizes dialog refers to both layouts and page sets and the file/open dialog refers to them as page sets — files with the extension ".tpl". (On the other hand, In Qimage's Recall dialog, these files are referred to only as layouts)
Not so here. They show as .tpl from Recall too. See screen snap.

Qimage then displays the current list of layouts. The Special Sizes dialog refers to both layouts and page sets and the file/open dialog refers to them as page sets — files with the extension ".tpl". (On the other hand, In Qimage's Recall dialog, these files are referred to only as layouts)

That cusom box servesmany needs.
1) Specific sizes. Type in the exact size of your print  (5.64 x 7.45) odd stuff.

2) Specify one dimension.   You have a frame or a mat that is what your size is, but the image is not to be cropped Pano   18.0 long side.

3)Number of prints per page: Obviously depends on page size and print size is variable.

4)Poster rows.... Easy stuff but too wordy for right now to explain.

5)Original Size... sort of self explanatory. Set the ppi to a specific size.   


the rest is self explanatory.

Oh and more to ponder, Right click on any size and you have a new fun menu for sizes.

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