Your last answer does what I want. I think the step that still confuses me is why you have to set the orientation lock off (when I clearly want to lock the orientation) and why it's then necessary to go into page edit to do the change orientation there? That's what I mean about not understanding the logic e.g. when do do something in page edit, when not to. Why can't I lock the orientation AND have Qimage crop like it does for any other photo when I choose auto-crop?
I am filling in for a moment for Terry.
He emailed me that he had to go out for a while.
Let's sort some things out. (Leave auto crop on for the moment. Leave it on as a default) Set Print size to 5 x 7.
Image editor is the place you do image cropping. You draw the box to artistically crop the image.
If you want to crop to a particular size, you simply make sure there is a checkmark in CROP LOCK (If auto crop is on, the checkmark will be there in CROP LOCK)
Now any crop you draw with the mouse will maintain the 5 x 7 ratio.
Now when you print that image at 5 x 7 or 10 x 14 or.... everything within your crop will always be there.
Let's change the scenario.
Let's say the image needs to be cropped, but you want to crop what you want to crop, and you will decide on the print size later.
Uncheck Crop Lock!
Let's say now, you want to print the last example at 5 x 7, but now the crop is a different shape, or proportion.
You simply select 5 x 7 as your print size like you did above, and with auto crop on, you get a 5 x 7.
If you turn off auto crop, you get whatever you made with your artistic crop.
So you must have autocrop on to fill out your 5 x 7 request.
Change the scenario again!
All is fine so far except, the auro crop cut off the top of a head.
Time to go into Page Editor and use what Terry suggested.... in Cropping Tab, use the mouse hand on the smaller image, upper right, and slide it so the head is not cut off anymore.
The next thought is how and why and when do you use Print Cropping as opposed to image cropping.
Suppose you wanted to make 8 x 10, and some 5 x 7s, and some 4 x 6.... of the same image.
Wouldn't it be a lot easier for you to use Print Cropping?
Don't crop the image unless there's junk in it that you just want out, instead place the image into the queue with print size set at 8 x 10. Go to Print edit in the Page editor, and slide the image and zoom the image to exactly what you want to print.
OK time for a 5 x 7. Tell Qimage to make a 5 x 7. Add your image, go to Page editor and using the zoom bar and the hand, move the image in the box to exactly what you want to print.
Same exercise for the 4 x 6.
Now here's the answer to your next question that you were going to ask.
What happens if I want to make more 5 x 7s. How would I make them exactly as I did last week if the image wasn't cropped?
Qimage is so smart that if it sees that image in the queue and it sees 5 x 7 again, it will apply that same crop.
Even easier, is to click FILE, open Automated job log and find the last time you made that 5 x 7 in Print Log. Open that, and it all returns as it was including the Print Crop.
Here's some of your answer....