Thanks for your swift reply Fred, how is the weather out there in Florida. We have had seven weeks of sun here in London, but today we have had a downpour. Great relief! I was in the US for ten days up until last week, and went on a PS course at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops with Adobe's Julieann Kost. An amazing course!
But back to QU! Two questions. Where is this Info box you mention, I can't see it? and wouldn't this affect both width and height dimensions equally? Why just one. Thanks for the Hold for the click and HOLD for a bit tip, that works.
Hi Jules,
Our weather is sort of hum drum in the summer.
It is so predictable (High for the day 92 F, low 74F) with clear and sunny days, clouding with thunder clouds and heavy rain for about 45 minutes every afternoon, that our TV weather people look for something to get excited about.
"HEAVY RAIN REPORTED on I 75 between Sarasota and Fort Meyers... go slow"
Back to your Qimage question.
The box is located below the PrtrICC and to the right.
See screen snap
It only affects one side because Qimage is making a bit of room for the filename and location which is printed only on one end.
I think you are envisioning a border where all 4 sides have the same extra...
If you ever get to the Sarasota, Fl area, we have a free seminar on Qimage Ultimate which includes a free lunch.... beat that....