Mike- I just measured the stardard antique Underwood and Underwood cards. The cards, are 7 inches wide, so the photos are a little less, about 6.5 inches wide. I have no problem converging them from about 2 feet away. Guess my head is a little bigger than most, but my eyes aren't 3.25 inches apart, so they are obviously diverging a little.
I'm still having a hard time believing this! Are you sure you aren't crossing your eyes just slightly instead of diverging them? That would make an image form in the center and even with a parallel view print, it'd still look 3D but it'd look a little "funky". I tried diverging my eyes today and I still believe it is impossible and that
no one can do it! I have a clear ruler and put my finger up while looking at clouds miles away. My finger in the foreground showed two fingers about 2.25 inches apart. There was nothing I could do to make them move farther apart, which you'd certainly have to do if you are really looking at prints where the centers are separated by over 3 inches.
I still think the cross view method is easier on your eyes too! You really have to force focus to focus your eyes on something close while your eyes are set at infinity (parallel) because the focus of your eyes is linked naturally to infinity when your eyes are parallel. Much easier to focus close on something closer.
Do a little investigating: I bet you are crossing your eyes and not diverging them. It'd give a "backwards" 3D view but it'd still have depth and most people would still think it's 3D.