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Author Topic: CS6 + QImage Ultimate  (Read 6813 times)
Posts: 2

« on: June 03, 2014, 01:19:30 AM »


Bizarre. When I make a TIFF file with CS6, very often I get an error message when creating thumbnails. If I open it again with Xnview and I record, no more problem.

An Idea ??
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 09:00:05 AM »

Bizarre. When I make a TIFF file with CS6, very often I get an error message when creating thumbnails. If I open it again with Xnview and I record, no more problem.

An Idea ??

I have CS5 extended and created a few TIFs in various modes (Byte order and interleave) and find no problem.
What do you mean when you say, "If I open it again with Xnview and I record?

The Tif is created from what source file with what conditions?
When you say "very often" you get an error, that implies that sometimes you do not get an error message.
What is the difference between the saving method or the source of the two Tif file' one opens and one doesn't?

Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2014, 09:17:20 AM »

Thank you Fred for you reply.

But I use CS6.

I open a NEF file with CS6 and saves TIFF. (I tested without profile, Adobe RGB and CMYK profile).

When I receive an error message, I open the TIFF file with Xnview and saves again. I rebuild thumbs and now It's fine.

Fred A
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« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2014, 09:26:21 AM »

But I use CS6.

I open a NEF file with CS6 and saves TIFF. (I tested without profile, Adobe RGB and CMYK profile).

When I receive an error message, I open the TIFF file with Xnview and saves again. I rebuild thumbs and now It's fine.

Ok sir, It then follows that Xnview is correcting some unconventional ingredient of the TIF save from CS6.

Here is my suggestion.
We need to have one of the TIF files that gives the error message.
Can you send it to me?   My email address is wathree.ssz@verizon.net
I realize the Tif will be too large to email, but you can use one of the free file transfer programs such as https://www.wetransfer.com/
or https://www.filestofriends.com/
Or perhaps you have a place to drop your file and a link for me.

Can you also let us know which model Nikon?

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2014, 02:59:46 PM »

I use CS6 too with TIFF's printed from Qimage.

However, I work on my initial NEF (RAW) files in Nikon's software for the TIFF conversion first, then use CS6.  No issues so far working on them in Qimage.

I'm not personally fond of Adobe's RAW converter.  Nikon's software seems to do a much better job at reading the buried RAW data than Adobe.  I think their software can only apply their Active-D Lighting (ADL) range features too that are set in the camera's menu that only their proprietary software can read.

However, some plug-ins used within CS6 can make for odd output files that other software will not read.  Mostly in files that change colorspace from say a color RGB to a "Gray Gamma 2.2" or "Dot Gain 20%" or something for B&W.  Then I get some issues with the thumbnails unless I convert them back to RGB.  Qimage seems a little more forgiving than some others - at least so far for me.

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